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Abandoned Monastery from 1930s

An avid urban explorer ventures into a abandoned monastery.

The 2-storey monastery is located in the hills without any access path. One has
to climb steep slopes, wade through bushes and tall grass to get there. The
location is not marked on any current map.

There is an emblem of the sun on the lintel, a symbol of the Republic of China,
most probably built around 1930s. The 2-storey building is quite large, with
2 entrances and 3 bays, no patio and a very high roof. There is a single-storey
additions to the right and behind. The back room, built with traditional blue
bricks and wooden beams, has collapsed, with only the walls standing.

The front room is built with expensive C.P.B. red bricks from Australia, cement
and steel bars. It was probably added later. The upper floor looked gorgeous with
3 arches, but the stairs had collapsed. It has been abandoned since the 1970s.

Hong Kong | 2024
30 Jun 2024

Many Disappointed as Clipper Stad Amsterdam Visits Hong Kong

The magnificent 19th century-inspired clipper ship, Stad Amsterdam,
calls on Hong Kong, with guided tours running from June 28 to
July 2 at Central Pier No. 9.

Many people are very disappointed by the arrangements by the
Hong Kong Maritime Museum, which handles the tour booking.
Only the few lucky people who successfully registered were
informed. The vast majority who failed to book a tour remains
in the dark without the courtesy of being notified. Such is
the norm of the "New Hong Kong".

Measuring 76 m long and boasting 31 sails with a total area of 2,200sq m,
the clipper is a true sight to behold. Since August 2023, she's been embarking
on a 2-year global voyage, gracing the shores of cities like Tokyo, Sydney,
New York, and London.

Central . Hong Kong | 2024
29 Jun 2024

Deserted Stable in the Hills

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted stable.

The small stable is in the hills. There were 8 to 10 retired horses from
the Jockey Club. They provided pleasure riding services for visitors.
It was closed after the owner passed away in 1996.

Hong Kong | 2024
28 Jun 2024

Last Throes of Haunted Deserted Mansion from 1940s

An avid urban explorer ventures into a most haunted deserted mansion.

The 2-storey mansion was built during World War II and was completed in 1941. The building is made
of concrete, blending Chinese and Western styles. There are both Western-style pillars and Chinese-
style arcades. It is rated as a Grade III historic building.

After the mansion was deserted in the 1970s, there were rumours that many villagers heard the
sound of dining or playing mahjong in the house at night, like a family gathering, but the house
was dark and empty. Therefore, it is listed as the top of 10 most haunted houses in Hong Kong.

It is now in the process of being converted into a 6-storey retirement home with 281 beds.
The interior has been entirely cleared with new fixture ready to be installed.

Hong Kong | 2024
27 Jun 2024

Deserted Public School

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted school.

There are 2 single-storey buildings in the school with a dilapidated piano.
The name of the school is on the upper building. There are Chinese and
western drums in one of the rooms, probably for music class.
It is in a dilapidated state with exposed abestos.

Hong Kong | 2024
26 Jun 2024

Deserted Community Centre from 1940s

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted community centre.

Built in 1947, the single-storey centre is located on a small hill. Access
is via a series of stone steps. Due to inconvenience of access by elderlies,
a new centre was opened in town as replacement. The old centre was once
used by the local Chinese music society, leaving behind some Chinese
musical instruments.

Hong Kong | 2024
25 Jun 2024

Fly by Artist Zeng Fanzhi

"Fly" places 2 male figures directly side by side. This arrangement, which has
become a classic compositional structure over the course of art history.
Attired in almost identical outfits, the 2 figures also both wear masks, hinting
that any connection between the two remains veiled and obscured.

The man on the right seems to have the face of Andy Warhol. The code might allow
different readings: first, the man with black hair on the left represents the artist
himself, or even Eastern artists at large, which is to say the shoulder-to-shoulder
position he takes with the white-hair Warhol, a representative of Western contemporary
artists, may imply the dialogue between Eastern and Western contemporary art.

Second, Warhol looks gloomy. It is unusual of Zeng to put onto his work a familiar
face and lay emphasis on his classic white hair; it induces us to associate this
man with the pre-eminent, almost saintly Warhol and his very nonconformist, lofty,
ultra-modern character, which may well represent modern men's state of mind.
Apparently the image of Warhol is an immense attraction to Zeng, as reflected in
many of his works embodying Warhol's portraits. Fly is his first painting of
Andy Warhol, which becomes the harbinger, and an archetype, of his later work.

Zeng Fanzhi is a contemporary Chinese artist based in Beijing. Zeng's works have
been praised as possessing an emotional directness, an intuitive psychological
sense, and a carefully calibrated expressionistic technique.

Andy Warhol's Long Shadow exhibition at Gagosian gallery, Pedder Building, Hong Kong.

Central . Hong Kong | 2024
24 June 2024

Deserted Metal Factory from 1940s @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted metal factory.

Founded in1863, the factory made bolts for industrial use. It was dismantled
during WWI and Bombed in WWII, but rebuilt in 1945 and enlarged in 1949.
Due to economic uncertainties, the production was reduced to half since
2008 and to a quarter since 2011. The factory was closed in 2012. It is in a
very sad state of disrepair with asbestos and collapsing wooden floors.

Belgium | 2024
23 Jun 2024

Deserted Warehouse @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted warehouse.

The warehouse is located in a popular city in Belgium. It has a gorgeous mural
titled Dake25 on the red brick exterior wall that inspired many bikers that
used the road. Not much is found inside except more murals.

Belgium | 2024
22 Jun 2024

Deserted Petrol Station @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted ghost village in Belgium.

The village exists since 1267. In the 1960's the nearby port wanted to expand
and demanded that the village residents be cleared so docks and quays
could be built there. In 1980, a dock was built there but this had never
been in use. The village used to have about 1,200 inhabitants but since 2015,
there are around 10 inhabitants, living in a ghost town.

There are a couple of deserted petrol station with pumps still standing. It
became a paradise for graffiti artists who covered every wall with their work.

Belgium | 2024
21 Jun 2024

Deserted Century-old Bunker @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted fort in Belgium.

The fort was built in 1817 by the Dutch and taken over by the Belgians after the
Belgian Revolution in 1830. During the First and Second World War, the fort
was used as a prison by the Germans. There is a bunker underground.
It is deserted since 1980 and nature has taken over.

Belgium | 2024
20 Jun 2024

Deserted Century-old Chateau Chapel @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted chareau in Belgium.

The chateau, largely built in neo-traditional style, dates back to the 13th century.
In mid-19th century, it was converted into a monastery and boarding house with an
impressive neo-Gothic chapel, which was built in 1901-1902. Many dead pigions are
found. It was sold in the 1960s to a commercial company that still owns it today.
Numerous renovations/additions over time, turned it into a gigantic complex.

Belgium | 2024
19 Jun 2024

Century-old Skull Grave @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into an over 200 year-old cemetery in Belgium.

The stone skull that lies in the shade of 200-year-old beech trees is over 150
years old. The gravestone marks the resting place of a merchant and his wife,
and is a registered monument. The skull's mouth is grotesquely agape, resting
on a pair of crossed femur bones. The gravestone is totally covered in green
moss, highlighting the hollow eye sockets and the tortured scowl.

Belgium | 2024
18 Jun 2024

Deserted Century-old Fort @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted fort in Belgium.

The fort was built in 1817 by the Dutch and taken over by the Belgians after the
Belgian Revolution in 1830. During the First and Second World War, the fort
was used as a prison by the Germans. It is deserted since 1980 and
nature has taken over. Graffiti is found on most walls.

Belgium | 2024
17 Jun 2024

Deserted Power Plant from 1920s @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted power plant in Belgium.

The power plant was built in 1921. It was one of the largest coal-burning power
plants in Belgium. In the early 2000s, a report found that it was responsible for
10% of the total CO2 emissions in Belgium. Protests from Greenpeace followed, and
the plant eventually closed its doors in 2007, and has been deserted ever since.
The cooling tower is a very unique place with a pretty dystopian vibe to it.

Belgium | 2024
17 Jun 2024

Deserted Coal Mines from 1930s @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted coal mines in Belgium.

The mine opened in 1916 and the buildings date from 1934. The mine shaft
number 10 was closed down in 1960 and became deserted since. All that
remains are huge ruins with concrete mullions and transoms, filled with
red bricks. Although they are mostly empty, no more machines, no more
pit-head frames, one can still imagine the activity of this site.

Belgium | 2024
16 Jun 2024

Deserted Swimming Pool from 1930s @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted swimming pool in Belgium.

Built in 1937, the building was used as a swimming pool, a theatre, a casino, a
shop and a restaurant. The building style mixed cubism and industrial
architecture, which was very fashionable at that time. Its front part, very
imposing and gorgeous, is a full glass rotunda. The glazing facade, monumental
staircases, balconies, wrought iron railings, all contributed to its majesty.

The owners closed the swimming pool, then the theatre on the first floor in 2004.
A Muslim community tried to convert it into a mosque in 2005. Unfortunately, the
project was stalled. The future of this former swimming pool today is uncertain…

Belgium | 2024
15 Jun 2024

Deserted 13th Century Chateau @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted chareau in Belgium.

The chateau, largely built in neo-traditional style, dates back to the 13th
Century. In mid-19th century, it was converted into a monastery and boarding
house with an impressive neo-Gothic chapel, which was built in 1901-1902.
It was sold in the 1960s to a commercial company that still owns it today.
Numerous renovations/additions over time, turned it into a gigantic complex.

Belgium | 2024
14 Jun 2024

Deserted Hotel from 1930s @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted hotel in Belgium.

Built in 1934, it started as a small youth hostel before growing up during the 60s
and 70s. A café/restaurant was added, as well as an outside swimming pool
that gained a lot of success.

Unfortunately, things changed during the 90s with a lot of expensive
renovation going on. In 2002, the swimming pool permit was withdrawn for
non-compliance, and the clientele collapsed. The hotel went bankrupt in
2003. It was classified in 2004, prohibiting any kind of renovation,
and stay deserted since 2005.

Belgium | 2024
13 Jun 2024

Deserted Ghost Village @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted ghost village in Belgium.

The village exists since 1267. In the 1960's the nearby port wanted to expand
and demanded that the village residents be cleared so docks and quays
could be built there.

In 1980, a dock was built there but this had never been in use. The village
used to have about 1,200 inhabitants but since 2015, there are around 10
inhabitants, living in a ghost town. It became a paradise for graffiti
artists who covered every wall with their work.

Belgium | 2024
12 Jun 2024

Deserted Century-old Abattoir @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted abattoir in Belgium.

The abattoir was built between 1888 and 1890 by the architect Émile Tirou
on the original swampy site of approximately 20 hectares, with a covered
cattle market was built measuring 100 by 100 m.

It was dedicated as a slaughterhouse for the city with a flourishing
large cattle market. The arched steel construction Was supported by
cast iron pillars (one every 10 metres), braced by brick-built barrel
vaulting; a pearl of 19th-century industrial architecture.

Even today, the market hall is supported by no less than 219 tons of
cast iron and 640 tons of iron. It was closed down in 1983.

Belgium | 2024
11 Jun 2024

Deserted Century-old Textile Factory @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted textile factory in Belgium.

The textile factory was built in 1896. In 1907, it was enlarged and new office
buildings were added in Flemish Neo-Renaissance style. In 1988, the factory was
closed down and became deserted since. It is in an sad state of disrepair.

Belgium | 2024
10 Jun 2024

Deserted Century-old Castle @ Belgium

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted Chinese Restaurant in Belgium.

Built in 1895, the castle was a country retreat for the Ullens de Medaff family.
The last years was used as a Chinese restaurant until closing in 2008. In 2010
part of the castle was destroyed by a fire. Since then it burned 6 times, leaving
the building completely destroyed and extremely dangerous on the inside.

Belgium | 2024
9 Jun 2024

Deserted Century-old Sugar Factory @ Italy

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted sugar factory in Italy.

Built around 1900, the 16 hectare industrial complex employed around 1,000 seasonal
workers before World War II. The war caused extensive damage, but by 1946 the
factory had fully recovered and reactivated production at full speed. The
establishment of the Common Sugar Market in 1960s put it in an inferior
position compared to other European producers. It was closed in 1972.

In 1989, a disastrous fire destroyed 3 of the buildings. It became one of
the most evocative deserted factories.

Italy | 2024
8 Jun 2024

Deserted Disco from 1920s @ Italy

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted disco in Italy.

Built around 1928, the disco saw its heyday in the 50s and 60s. It hosted bands, even
entire orchestras and was frequented by illustrious guests. It had a huge hall with imposing
pillars, exquisitely frescoed ceilings and large windows that overlooked the garden outside.

There are 2 ballrooms, a giant swimming pool, tennis courts, bowling green and a fountain
that took your breath away for its beauty. It has hosted a Miss Italy contest.

Around 2007 it was taken over by a new owner, but after a couple of years it was
closed, deserted and left to decay. The chandelier has collapsed.

Italy | 2024
7 Jun 2024

Deserted Grand Lakeside Villa @ Italy

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted grand villa overlooking a gorgeous lake in Italy.

The villa was built and extended in various stages over the 19th Century on 60,000 sq m of land.
It is surrounded by a vast parkland which once contained greenhouses, caves, bridges, gazebos
stables and over 150 species of plants.

In addition to decades of looting and vandalism, the villa was hit by a vicious storm around
8 years ago. A large area of the villa has collapsed, and the upper floors are treacherous. The
house is in a very poor state of repair. The staircase is most striking. Colourful marble
decorations decorate the walls. Traces of curtains still cling to the windows.

Italy | 2024
6 Jun 2024

Deserted Disco @ Italy

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted disco in Italy.

Started in 1952, the disco offered an intimate and exclusive spot that attracted
people from all over the country to hear the top-notch orchestra and be
wowed by world-class services. The current venue was constructed in
1966-68 after being ousted by the neighbours. It is a giant fiberglass dome
with partially open archways around its perimeter, making it an
indoor-outdoor space.

A fire in the mid-1970s left only the dome intact and became deserted. In recent
years, it has been the site of raves, parties, and artwork, including some
done by the mysterious Italian street artist “Blu.”

Italy | 2024
5 Jun 2024

Hong Kong Deploys Anti-riot Armoured Vehicle for June 4

An anti-riot, bullet-and-explosion-proof armoured vehicle, dubbed 'Saber-toothed tiger',
is deployed next to Victoria Park, a venue that previously hosted mass Tiananmen
crackdown remembrance vigils in Hong Kong for 3 decades. The vehicle has
appeared for at least 3 days, apparently due to the "sensitive date" of June 4.
This year is the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen incident of 1989.

At least 10 police vehicles were also deployed in the area. Dozens of
uniform and plainclothes police officers were patrolling near the park,
concentrated around East Point Road, Hennessy Road and Lockhart Road.

This is not the first time. Similar arrangements were made on Chinese New Year;
October 1 - China's national day; July 1, anniversary of the transfer of
sovereignty of Hong Kong from UK to China.

Artist Sanmu Chan was stopped, questioned and taken away by police in
Causeway Bay on Monday, the eve of the Tiananmen crackdown anniversary,
as he sought to partake in some peaceful performance art. Chan wrote the Chinese
characters for “8964” with his finger in the air, referencing the date of the 1989
crackdown. He also mimed pouring wine onto the ground to mourn the dead,
per a Chinese tradition, before over 30 police moved in and took him away.

Is there an elevated threat of terrorist attack or an imminent riot? As the
government claims repeatedly that Hong Kong has already moved
'from chaos to rule', is it necessary to have such disproportionate
show of force? Will it scare off tourists who might think that Hong Kong
is a very dangerous place? Is it spreading the image of a 'Good Hong Kong'?

Causeway Bay . Hong Kong | 2024
4 June 2024

Exhibition Honours Master Photojournalist Chan Kiu

A Hong Kong exhibition to honour the work of photojournalist and former chief
photographer of South China Morning Post - Chan Kiu opens with some of his
most striking images. Chan, who died in April aged 96, covered some of the
most grand events in the city's history, including riots, influx of refugees,
typhoons, and disasters on land and at sea.

The exhibition – 'In Memory of a Master Photojournalist, History of Hong Kong
Through the Lens of Chan Kiu' – is at the Hong Kong News-Expo in Central
spreading over 2 floors. Open daily except Monday from 10am to 7pm
Admission is free.

SOHO . Hong Kong | 2024
3 Jun 2024

Deserted Village School from 1970s

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village school.

The school was originally built in 1930 with donations from the villagers.
As the village population grew, a larger campus was built in the 1970s. At its
heyday, there were 400 students. It has been deserted for while.
Furniture and personal items have been cleared.

Hong Kong | 2024
2 Jun 2024

Deserted Stone Statue Garden

Quite a few deserted stone statues are found in a peninsula next to the coast.
They include Buddha figures in standing and sitting positions. Some are
Buddha heads. Some are Bali-style sculptures.

Hong Kong | 2024
1 Jun 2024

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