Fire Dragon Dances in Tai Hang
The fullest moon of the year could be enjoyed during the Mid-autumn
Festival which is on the 15th day of the eighth month in the lunar
calendar. The festival was on September 29 this year.
Tens of thousands witnessed the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance when a
67-metre-long dragon was studded with thousands of burning joss
sticks at night dancing through the backstreets of Tai Hang.
The three-day event commemorates a series of mishaps that befell Tai Hang
in 1880 culminating in a plague breaking out in this small Hakka village.
Appearing in the dream of a village elder, Buddha instructed the villagers
to light firecrackers and perform a fire dragon dance for three days and
nights during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
The plague ended after the event. Since then, the ritual has been repeated
annually and passed down from generation to generation.
Tai Hang . Hong Kong | 2023
30 Sep 2023

Century-old Jinrikisha Station
Jinrikisha (“man-powered carriage” in Japanese) Station was built in
1903 and opened the following year, serving as the main depot for
rickshaws. Following the 1947 ban on rickshaws in Singapore, the building
was used for several other purposes, such as a family-planning clinic,
before it was gazetted in 1987 as part of the Tanjong Pagar conservation
area. The historical landmark was bought over for commercial
redevelopment by investment company L&B Holdings in 1989.
Chinatown . Singapore | 2023
29 Sep 2023

Feasting in Little India
The Banana Leaf Apolo, a casual, cafeteria-style, Indian restaurant is one of
the best (and busiest) of its kind in Little India. Standout dishes include
fish tikka, mutton mysore, and prawn masala. Everything is served
on large banana leaves with cracker-like papadam.
Little India . Singapore | 2023
28 Sep 2023

Gardens by the Bay
Gardens by the Bay is a huge, colourful, futuristic park in the Marina Bay
waterfront of Singapore. Among the standout features are the famous
Supertree structures. It offers an impressive skywalk over the gardens,
with oversized seashell-shaped greenhouses that recreate
chilly mountain climates.
Marina Bay . Singapore | 2023
27 Sep 2023

Deserted Century-old House on a Pier
An avid urban explorer ventures into deserted house on a pier.
A pier was built in 1906 by an Irish merchant for his rubber estate. His
grandson built a house on the pier from 1920 to 1921. The Pier was one
of the sites where the Japanese Imperial Army first landed in 1942.
360 of the defending Australian soldiers were killed despite having
inflicted heavy casualties on the Japanese soldiers.
The owner lived there occasionally as a weekend resort until his death in 2009.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Singapore | 2023
26 Sep 2023

Deserted WWII Bunkers
An avid urban explorer ventures into deserted bunkers.
The bunkers were built in the 1940s during World War II. They were used
as storage to keep munitions for the British Military who were still there
at the time.
Built with soundproofed, double-layered walls, these bunkers
could resist bombs. As WW2 ended in 1945, they were utilised for only
a short period of time before they were left deserted.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Singapore | 2023
25 Sep 2023

Deserted Fort from 1880s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted fort.
The fort was built in the 1880s with a battery operational in 1887. During
World War II, the battery was bombed by the Japanese and was destroyed
by British engineers prior to surrender to the Japanese. The guns of
the battery became non-operational in 1956.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Singapore | 2023
24 Sep 2023

Deserted Haunted Palace from 1930s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted palace.
In the mid 1800s, the building was located on a 36-acre section of a parkland.
A 2-storey palace was rebuilt in 1935 for Sultan Ibrahim of Johor. It was
used as a hospital for soldiers during WWII. But it was later bombed.
It suffered a major fire in 2006 and has been deemed beyond repair.
The walls are covered with graffiti. The blue-tiled roof and some of the
staircases have collapsed. The remains of the palace and the land it
sits on, is private land belonging to the State of Johor.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Singapore | 2023
23 Sep 2023

Those Days ─ Out There: Art Installation
Inspired by the historical and cultural essence of Chinese-style clothing, local
artist Janko Lam focuses on modern Chinese fashion design, specialising
in the art of crafting qipaos, cheongsams and other traditional Chinese
clothing. Her minimalistic yet intricate designs fuse traditional elements with
contemporary Chinese aesthetics, resulting in distinctive pieces that
transcend norms.
Those Days ─ Out There: A Site-specific Art Installation
Lobby, 3/F, Hong Kong Museum of Art
8 Sep - 17 Dec
Admissions Free
Tsimshatsui . Hong Kong | 2023
22 Sep 2023

Deserted Haunted Villa from 1920s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted villa.
Built in 1927 in Classical Revival architecture with symmetrical plan. An imposing
entrance gives access to a large central reception hall with rooms on either
side in the Palladian style. The side rooms extend to the rear as wings to
form a three-sided courtyard.
A staircase gives access to the upper floor. A classical red-brick facade featuring
white painted columns, balustrades, and window surrounds, is a style popular in
Edwardian times. A segmental pediment surrounds the projecting central bay
over the entrance porch, and a domed cupola is situated on the flat roof
behind the pediment. The first floor has shuttered windows. A European-
style fountain stands in front.
The mansion was owned by a rich Choi family. After the death of the owner in
1944, the family members moved away and the house was deserted, falling into
disrepair. It is said that 7 people were drowned there and it is haunted. Rumour
has it that during the night, people heard women screaming and crying.
It was rated as a Grade I historic building in 2007 and then Grade II in 2010.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
21 Sep 2023

Deserted Village School from 1960s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village school.
The school was founded in 1948 and was originally located in a private house.
Later, the government allocated land to build this new school, which
was completed in 1966. The school has 6 classrooms, special purpose rooms,
playground, teachers' room, principal's room and workers' dormitories.
It was closed in 1996 and became deserted. Furniture has been cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
20 Sep 2023

Deserted Family Memorial Pavilion
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted memorial pavilion.
The 2-storey pavilion is surrounded by an extensive garden. There is another
smaller pavilion with just a round table and a collapsed roof. It is built by
the children to memorise their parents.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
19 Sep 2023

Deserted Elegant Hakka Mansion from 1930s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted Hakka mansion.
Built in 1934, the elegant traditional Hakka mansion, has been long deserted, hidden behind bushes.
It is typical of the Hakka 'two-halls two-horizontal' residential building. It is the only single
residential building in Hong Kong listed as a Grade I historical building.
The exquisite lion carvings on both sides of the gate beam have been removed. The half-moon-shaped
fengshui pond in front of the house has been overrun by reeds and weeds, and the eaves are
dilapidated and in disrepair.
The whole mansion has 16 rooms, 6 halls and two inner courtyards. The halls form the central
axis of the house, with rooms on either side, including bedrooms and kitchens. The
courtyards has a pond each, and the wooden doors of the rooms are exquisitely carved.
Both design and colour are tasteful. Since it has been deserted for many years,
most of the furniture are gone.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
18 Sep 2023

Harbour Wonder Art Installation
A huge swimming pool art installation, titled: Some of Us are Looking
at the Stars, is located outside the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMOA).
Created by local artist Chan Wai-lap, it is part of HKMOA's Harbour
Wonder exhibition.
Standing 4-metre-tall and 11-metre-long, Chan's installation invites
audiences to step into a fantasy world that draws on his personal
memories and experiences of swimming pools, while exploring
themes of public and private spaces.
Tsimshatsui . Hong Kong | 2023
17 Sep 2023

Deserted Village Mansion
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village mansion.
The mansion has 2 storeys with an altar, a piano, a TV and a guitar on the first floor. Apparently,
it has been deserted since around 1982. Furniture and personal items are scattered
throughout the house.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
16 Sep 2023

Peacock Pansy
During summer, you may encounter Peacock Pansy around the marsh and
wetland. The uppersides of its wings are brownish orange with
conspicuous eye spots and purple patterns.
Kuk Po . Hong Kong | 2023
15 Sep 2023

Deserted Gospel Drug Rehab Camp
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted drug rehabilitation camp.
The camp was run by a Christian organisation to perform drug rehabilitation by gospel.
There are 13 buildings in total. Later, it was turned over to the police and only 5 units were
refurbished as a holiday camp. The remaining 8 units remain deserted. 2 pianos and a
mural are found inside. Furniture and fixtures have been cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
14 Sep 2023

Deserted Chapel from 1950s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted chapel.
Built in 1952, the Christian chapel is in up the hills serving Mainland Chinese immigrants who
had settled in the nearby village following the Chinese Civil War. It was closed in 1976 when
the villagers moved out after being out of work. Furniture, fixtures and personal items
are scattered throughout. The area is infested with lots of spiders and webs.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
13 Sep 2023

Cammie Rides Waterslide at Whiskey Bay
Cammie, an avid hiker and aquatic sport person, enjoys a spashing
good time riding the waterslide from a junk at Whiskey Bay, one of the
most beautiful beaches in Hong Kong. It has fine white sand, crystal
blue water and is backed by green hills in Sai Kung.
Sai Kung . Hong Kong | 2023
12 Sep 2023

Deserted Village House
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village house.
The 2-storey village house has been deserted for a while and is a sad
state of disrepair. The roof has been partially collapsed. As is the
wooden stairs leading to the first floor. Tree roots have intertwined
with the walls. Furniture and personal items are mostly cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
11 Sep 2023

Team Hong Kong (Partial) @ 24 Hour Project
Hong Kong kicked off as part of thousands of photographers from 802 cities
in 86 countries who join "24 Hour Project" - the largest street photography
event worldwide on Saturday, 9 Sep 2023. About 30 joined and was a great
success after a record Black Rainstorm for 8 hours and extensive flooding.
24 Hour Project connects emerging photographers, aspiring photojournalist
and visual storytellers from every city of the world to document
humanity and make a difference by raising awareness about global
issues and empowering NGOs. This year, it supports Cameras for Girls,
a NGO in Uganda, Africa. All funds raised via a global crowdfunding
campaign will be allocated towards their progressive actions.
Each participant shares to social media one photo every hour for the 24 hours
following 24HourProject guidelines. The images, theme and content become
a viral live view to the world hour by hour. All photos are seen live
through social media channels and later become part of travel exhibitions.
Hong Kong | 2023
10 Sep 2023

Hong Kong Joins '24 Hour Project' Global Street Photography
Hong Kong will be part of thousands of photographers from 802 cities in
86 countries who join "24 Hour Project" - the largest street photography
event worldwide on 9 Sep 2023.
24 Hour Project connects emerging photographers, aspiring photojournalist
and visual storytellers from every city of the world to document
humanity and make a difference by raising awareness about global
issues and empowering NGOs. This year, it supports Cameras for Girls,
a NGO in Uganda, Africa. All funds raised via a global crowdfunding
campaign will be allocated towards their progressive actions.
Each participant shares to social media one photo every hour for the 24 hours
following 24HourProject guidelines. The images, theme and content become
a viral live view to the world hour by hour. All photos are seen live
through social media channels and later become part of travel exhibitions.
Hong Kong | 2023
9 Sep 2023

Deserted Century-old Ancestral Hall
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted ancestral hall.
Built in 1919, the 2-storey ancestral hall was constructed with blue
bricks by local workers and builders from Guangzhou and Swatow.
It has symmetrical side chambers with a circular entrance portal. Stained-
glass windows are used above the doors to the main hall. It has been
deserted for a while and furniture has been mostly cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
8 Sep 2023

Art Installation in Sai Kung
An art installation of a wooden mini temple at Clearwater Bay Golf Club,
a private members only club established in 1982 in Sai Kung.
Sai Kung . Hong Kong | 2023
7 Sep 2023

Deserted 360-Year-old Village
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village founded in 1660.
About 20 ancient houses were built here in rows overlooking the paddy fields once terraced with
rice and sugar crops. The area was settled by the Lee clan in the 17th year of Shunzhi Emperor
during the Qing Dynasty.
In the 1950s, iron mines were opened nearby. As a consequence, the water tables of the village were
lowered and the land became unsuitable for cultivation, forcing many farmers to abandon their land.
Only bats remain at the village. They hang from the roof of a back-row house. All houses are derelict,
some having personal items and furnitures scattered. Some roofs have collapsed. Bushes and
vines overgrow the whole village, giant spiders abound.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
6 Sep 2023

Deserted Wine Factory from 1960s
An urban explorer ventures into an deserted wine factory.
The factory is a 2-storey building, and is the oldest rice winery in Hong Kong.
The factory’s cluttered workshop filled with dilapidated brewery pottery
radiates a dark and terrifying atmosphere, which was used as a
shooting location for disaster and thriller movies.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2021
5 Sep 2023

Deserted TV Studios from 1950s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted TV Studios.
A 4-storey dyeing factory in a compound of 65,000 sq ft was converted
into TV studios in 1957. It became deserted since 2007 and quickly became
popular amongst urban explorers and graffiti artists, who have covered
every wall of the building with their artwork.
In 2015, police claimed to have uncovered a bomb-making scheme that
operated out of the building and security has been tightened up ever
since. There are rumours that it’s haunted.
The rusting, sun-faded vintage logo on the facade serves as the only
reminder of the glory of the former TV company which was shut down
on 1 April 2015.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
4 Sep 2023

Cello at Deserted Haunted Villa
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted Villa.
Built in 1927 in Classical Revival architecture with symmetrical plan. An imposing
entrance gives access to a large central reception hall with rooms on either
side in the Palladian style. The side rooms extend to the rear as wings to
form a three-sided courtyard.
A staircase gives access to the upper floor. A classical red-brick facade featuring
white painted columns, balustrades, and window surrounds, is a style popular in
Edwardian times. A segmental pediment surrounds the projecting central bay
over the entrance porch, and a domed cupola is situated on the flat roof
behind the pediment. The first floor has shuttered windows. A European-
style fountain stands in front.
A cello was recently left there, apparently after a photo or video shoot.
The mansion was owned by a rich Choi family. After the death of the owner in
1944, the family members moved away and the house was deserted, falling into
disrepair. It is said that 7 people were drowned there and it is haunted. Rumour
has it that during the night, people heard women screaming and crying.
It was rated as a Grade I historic building in 2007 and then Grade II in 2010.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
3 Sep 2023

Deserted Portuguese-style Mansion in Macau
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted mansion.
The 3-storey Portuguese-style mansion is located at the historical
centre of Macau, which is a UNESCO World Heritage. Stone, clay, lime
and wood are the elements that appeared the most in the construction
of historic traditional Portuguese architecture. It has been deserted for
a while. Furniture has been mostly cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Macau | 2023
2 Sep 2023

Deserted Seaview Hotel in Macau
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted hotel.
The 2-storey boutique hotel is located near the sea. There are 2 single-
storey buildings to the left and right probably for a restaurant or banquet
hall. It is built with red bricks. The design of the buildings appears to
have been built in the 1960s as a guesthouse. It has been deserted for
a while. Furniture has been mostly cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Macau | 2023
1 Sep 2023
Jan 2023
Jan 2022
Jan 2021
Jan 2020
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