Halloween Protest Walk Tests Mask Ban Undaunted by Heavy Riot Police
On Halloween tonight, netizens launched the "Masquerade Halloween" to walk from Victoria
Park in Causeway Bay to Lan Kwai Fong in Central. They put on masks of various government
officials to express their dissatisfaction with the government and the mask ban.
Some bar insiders said that they are not worried that the protest will make Lan Kwai Fong
become chaotic. On the contrary, they are worried about the police deployment, which will
make the atmosphere tense, resulting in conflicts between police and civilians, and even
the use of tear gas. The Lan Kwai Fong Association can arrange security guards to maintain
order; Lan Kwai Fong restaurants and bars also said that today's business hours are normal,
and they have not considered closing early. The police have publicized in advance to remind
shops in the area to close early when necessary in response to police actions to ensure safety.
At 7:30 pm, a large crowd gathered in Victoria Park in Causeway Bay. At 8 pm, they started
walking towards Central. 3,000 riot police and 3 water cannon trucks were deployed on
Hong Kong Island to guard against any eventuality. Police tried to block the march and raised
yellow and blue warning flags, but citizens were undaunted and walked towards Lan Kwai
Fong. As they passed the Cenotaph in Central, white flowers, candies and chocolate were
offered to mourn the Hong Kong people who died because of the movement.
Causeway Bay . Hong Kong | 2019
31 Oct 2019

PolyU Students Flashmob to Protest President's Rude Treatment of Masked Graduates
On 27 October, at the 25th graduation ceremony of Polytechnic University (PolyU), the new
president of PolyU, Teng Jin-guang, who took office in July, refused to shake hands with
two graduates wearing masks. The Student Union think that Teng's approach is disrespectful
to students and himself. PolyU continues to hold graduation ceremony this week. Some
graduates plan a masked flashmob action today to protest against the president and
the government's invoking the Emergency Law to pass the mask ban.
At 2:30 pm today, a number of PolyU graduates were dressed in black, wearing V-masks.
They put up black banners with 'Free Hong Kong', 'Revolution of Our Time' and 'Dare
to Speak Up, Not Cowed in Silence', next to the 100-step stairs. They call on the
graduates present to participate in the flashmob action. Some students dressed up
as Winnie the Pooh carrying placards with 'Free China', attracting cheering support
of the students present who asked for joint photos. During the group photo, the
graduates held up their hands for '5 Demands, Not One Less' and chanted 'Free
Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time' and 'Hong Kong people, Resist.'
Wanchai . Hong Kong | 2019
30 Oct 2019

Hong Kong Bans Joshua Wong from Contesting Election - Blessing in Disguise for Democrats?
Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong has been disqualified from entering the upcoming District
Council election. Wong is the only person to be disqualified by an electoral officer from the
November 24 race.
Returning Officer Dorothy Ma, who manages election affairs, asked Wong about his political
stance twice before she went on sick leave last week.
Laura Liang Aron, the Yau-Tsim-Mong district officer, replaced Ma last Thursday. She asked the
Demosisto activist about his political stance for a third time before disqualifying him.
In a press release on Tuesday morning, the government said it agreed with the decision
which was made over Wong’s advocacy of “self-determination” for Hong Kong.
'The candidate cannot possibly comply with the requirements of the relevant electoral laws,
since advocating or promoting ‘self-determination’ is contrary to the content of the declaration
that the law requires a candidate to make to uphold the Basic Law and pledge allegiance to
the HKSAR.'
Joshua Wong responded in a press conference outside Civic Square at 1:30 pm: 'I become
the only candidate banned from running in November’s District Council Election as Returning
officer, Laura ARON ruled my nomination invalid this morning. It proved how Beijing
manipulate the election with political cersorship and screening.'
This seems to be bad news for the Democrats, but may be a blessing in disguise. First: It
seems that the government will not cancel the district board elections; second: the US
Senate may accelerate the passage of Hong Kong's Human Rightd and Democracy Act;
third: there will be more people coming out to vote. It doesn't matter if Joshua Wong is
running, his Plan B candidate will win. Finally: It is very time-consuming to be a district
board member. Joshua Wong's time should be better spent elsewhere, such as
lobbying foreign governments.
Judy Chan and Kelvin Lam are also running in the South Horizons West constituency.
Admiralty . Hong Kong | 2019
29 Oct 2019

Joshua Wong Still Unconfirmed - Litmus Test for Fair and Just Election for Hong Kong?
Hong Kong District Council elections is imminent, with 452 constituencies
in Hong Kong and more than 1,000 candidates, only Joshua Wong is still unconfirmed
as a candidate. The 17 democratic candidates for the Southern District Council
election held a rally in Aberdeen yesterday. Joshua Wong said that he did
not receive a reply to from the Returning Officer (RO) for the third time last night.
It is believed that the 'Returning Officer, the Government and Beijing cannot
come to an agreement' as they could not find any legal justification for disqualification
(DQ), resulting in repeated delays, and urged the RO to uphold the principle
of civil servant political neutrality and make a clear decision based on his reply.
Joshua Wong, the only South Horizons West constituency candidate who has
not been confirmed. After a sudden last minute change of RO, Wong has
replied to the new RO Laura Liang Aron for the third time to reaffirm his political
stand and for the first time that Hong Kong independence cannot be an acceptable
self-determination option.
The Hong Kong Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) announced the establishment
of a Crisis Management Committee. It will provide advice to the EAC on whether to
postpone the elections due to bad weather and public safety. The committee
has not met at present but it is suspected that the government is paving the way for
postponement of the election.
Judy Chan of the pro-Beijing New People’s Party and pro-democracy financier Kelvin
Lam are also running in South Horizons West.
Aberdeen . Hong Kong | 2019
28 Oct 2019

Rally to Investigate Police Brutality at Tsimshatsui Interrupted by Riot Police
Last Sunday, claiming to disperse protesters, police attacked religious sites and pedestrians
on the streets indiscriminately. Netizens launched a rally to 'Investigate police brutality,
safeguard citizens and stand with journalists." Today, they returned to Tsimshatsui
at the scene to say no to police brutality.
The rally is held at Salisbury Garden in Tsimshatsui at 3 pm today. The organizers have not
seek any notice of no objection from the police. In addition to targeting the police, the theme
includes standing with reporters and Muslims. When police suppressed the Tsimshatsui
march last Sunday, they deliberately sprayed unknown toxic blue liquid towards the mosque
with water cannon truck, causing dissatisfaction among Muslims in Hong Kong. Chief
Executive Carrie Lam and the Commissioner of Police Lo Wai-chung visited the
mosque on the following day to apologise.
At 3 pm, the streets near Salisbury Park in Tsim Sha Tsui were flooded with crowds. A large
number of riot police were deployed using tear gas to disperse the crowd. The public refused
to leave and shouted at the police fir being unreasonable. A lone citizen in casual clothing
and no gear stood in front of a large number of riot police, holding up a poster reading
"Justice Will Win".
Tsimshatsui . Hong Kong | 2019
27 Oct 2019

My photo
is the top story on the front page of Master-Insight.

"Police Imperils People's Lives" Healthcarers Protest Police Brutality Flooding Chater
Police brutality has been a core grievance for Hong Kong’s protesters, whose fury has been
sustained by a regular barrage of social media clips showing officers carrying out violent and
indiscriminate arrests, resulting in strong social resentment. A group of medical professionals who
love Hong Kong gathered at the Chater Park in Central this evening to condemn police brutality.
The healthcare professional who initiated the rally published a 'Letter to Hong Kong People
from Healthcare Professionals'. The letter pointed out that after 4 months of anti-extradition
movement, the government has turned a deaf ear to the public's demands and invoked a
mask ban that creates a devastating division in the society. The police uses excessive
violence on the public and imperils people's lives. As medical professionals who safeguard
the lives of the citizens on the front line, they are duty-bound to speak out.
The healthcare professionals condemn the abuse of power and indiscriminate arrest by the
police, ignoring the Hospital Authority Bylaws have reached an unacceptable level. After a
pregnant woman was arrested, a male police officer guarded and entered the delivery room.
After a 14-year-old boy was shot with live bullet and arrested, a large number of riot police
in full gear toted guns in the hospital, and hindered the patients and staff from access.
Some police officers have blocked humanitarian rescue and arrested frontline medical
and first aid workers. They strongly condemned the police for abuse of power, violence,
flaunting laws and regulations, and obstructed volunteers to conduct humanitarian
emergency services for victims at the protest site.
At 6 pm, people flooded Chater Garden in Central. Some people could only stood on the
pavement outside the Court of Final Appeal and chanted "Hong Kong people, Resist".
A huge banner "Investigate police brutality, Desire of Hong Kong people", A light
panel "Free HK" was hoisted.
Central . Hong Kong | 2019
26 Oct 2019

Hong Kong and Catalonia Synchronised Rallies Supporting Each Other
Widespread protests in Spain's Catalonia after pro-independence officials were sentenced
to harsh prison terms, and Hong Kong held a "Hong Kong-Catalonia Solidarity Rally" at
Chater Garden in Central, last night, 3,000 people attended. At the same time in Barcelona,
capital of Catalonia, hundreds of people gathered outside the local Chinese consulate to
support the Hong Kong protest movement.
Ernie Chow, co-organiser of the Hong Kong rally, said, solidarity is the only way against
authoritarism, including uniting the people who have been suppressed in other
countries. Many Catalans attended the rally and believe that Catalans and Hong Kong
people are currently facing similar adversities such as police brutality and undemocratic
regimes. They are very surprised and moved by the support of the large number of
Hong Kong people, saying that the two governments claim to be democratic, but
actually behaving anti-democratically.
At the Hong Kong rally, many Catalan flags were flying. At the end, the protesters lit up
their phones to show the color of the Catalan flag. A large number of protesters at the
Catalan rally held placards with "Free Hong Kong, Revolution of the Time" in Chinese
(inset top right image is a screencap of video of The Stand News); the two cities
supported each other.
Central . Hong Kong | 2019
25 Oct 2019

Thousands Rally to Support Catalonia at Chater Garden
Netizens launched a "Hong Kong-Catalonia Solidarity Rally" at Chater Garden tonight,
which caused a heated debate on the Internet. Netizens quoted a Twitter post by
Solomon Yue, vice-chairman and CEO of Republican Overseas, calling on Hong Kong
people not to link the anti-extradition movement to Catalonia independence; some
netizens believe that may affect the US Senate support when reviewing the Hong
Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, and advise the public not to attend.
The organiser Ventus Lau said that the rally will be held as scheduled. 'This rally is
focused on police brutality in Catalonia and to defend universal values such as human
rights and freedom, because they face similar situation as Hong Kong. We will not intervene
in the internal affairs of other countries and only deal with humanitarian issues.'
Some netizens believe that participation in the rally is tantamount to supporting independence
and will be so branded by Beijing. Ernie Chow, co-organiser and former Chinese University
student union president, believes that if this logic is used, it will be the same as Beijing
branding the movement as separatist. 'If there is separatism, are they not eligible to
have human rights and freedom of speech?'
At 7 pm, thousands of protesters flooded Chater Garden, including many Spaniards
and Catalonians. The waved Catalonian flags and chanted 'Stand with Catalonia.'
Central . Hong Kong | 2019
24 Oct 2019

My photo
is the top story on the front page of Master-Insight.

Human Chain at British Consulate for BNO Residency Rights
Netizens initiated action by British nationals and Hong Kong citizens in Hong Kong to urge
the British government and other Commonwealth countries to reach an agreement to
provide Hong Kong citizens with a second nationality and a potential residency based
on shared core values, including democracy, human rights and international peace, to
help Hong Kong escape from the current predicament.
At 7:30 pm tonight, over 1,000 gathered in front of the British Consulate General, waving
British and Hong Kong flags, building a human chain to show support for the debate on
Hong Kong at the House of Lords tomorrow, chanting 'Fight for Freedom, Stand with
Hong Kong.' They built a human chain stretching from Hong Kong Park, along the east
and west lanes of the Supreme Court Road extending to Justice Drive.
Admiralty . Hong Kong | 2019
23 Oct 2019

Rallies at MTR Stations 3 Months After Terror Attack of 21 July
3 months after the 21 July terror attack at Yuen Long, netizens called for a sit-in protest
at Yuen Long Station last night on 21 October. MTR Corp closed the station at 2 pm and
the nearby shopping malls were shut down. The public changed to stage sit-in protests
at MTR stations in 18 districts across the city, to protest against the police's failed
enforcement on that day.
The police announced that 34 people were arrested for the 21 July attack, but only 6 of
them were charged with rioting. On the other hand, over 2,600 protesters were arrested
and most of them charged with rioting, showing indiscriminate arrests and injustices.
At 7:30 pm, about 80-100 people gathered at Causeway Bay Station, displaying photos and
videos of the 21July terror attack, attracting the attention of many passing by. Most of the protesters wore black with masks, chanting "Free Hong Kong, Revolution of the Time" and "Hong Kong people, Resist!" They dispersed near 10 pm, when the subway service ended.
80-90 people also gathered at Taikoo Station. They put lots of photos of Junius Ho, who is
the suspected mastermind behind the 21 July attack, for people to trample on.
Causeway Bay . Hong Kong | 2019
22 Oct 2019

My photo
is the top story on the front page of Master-Insight.

Staff at Hospitals Rally Against Police Brutality
Medical staff from the Eastern Hospital, Queen Mary, Caritas, Prince of Wales, Princess
Margaret, Northern District and Tuen Mun Hospitals staged a demonstration in their
hospitals this afternoon to protest against excessive use of force in police operations,
riot police entering Tun Mun Hospital with rifles, and condemned male police entering
the delivery room. Some health care workers in non-emergency services believe that
they may consider work strikes.
At Eastern Hospital in Chaiwan, dozens of medical staff wearing uniforms in the hospital
raised the slogan "Hong Kong Police attempted to murder the people of Hong Kong" and
"Why can't the medical carers save people"? Some people wear black masks and wear
black ribbons. The nurses involved in the operation said that the "so-called minimum force"
used by the police during the protests had caused serious damage to the right eye of the
demonstrators and believed that the victim might be permanently disabled. 'These are
not the minimum force.' It is also said that police officers in the accident and emergency
department have blocked the rescue work by different means. For example, some
colleagues witnessed the police officers rushing into the consultation room.
The nurse pointed out that the rescue work is a race against time. 'A second used is a
second delay.' I hope that the police officers will not hinder the rescue work, especially
the on-site rescue. Many first-aiders on the scene are also caught and injured by police
officers. Another nurse also felt that the police were involved in the arrest and thought
that the police "professed to be professional but not professional at all."
Chaiwan . Hong Kong | 2019
21 Oct 2019

Kowloon Flooded with Protesters as March Banned Again
The Kowloon march by Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) was opposed again by the police and
lost in the appeal. Three ex-legislators, Albert Ho, Leung Kwok-hung (Long Hair), Cy Ho, and
the deputy convener of CHRF, Chan Ho-hang, announced that they would take up the march
in their personal capacity. The time and place remain unchanged. They call on people to be
brave, face white terror together and walk with Hong Kong people.
The Kowloon march was scheduled to start at 1:30 pm from Salisbury Garden in Tsimshatsui
along Kowloon Park Road to West Kowloon High Speed Rail Station. The theme is to 'Establish
an Independent Commission of Inquiry', '5 Demands, Not One Less' and Dissolution
of Police Forces.
Jimmy Sham, Convenor of CHRF was brutally attacked and hospitalised on Wednesday. Leung
Kwok-hung said that in the face of suppression, the people had to come out and resist.
"Attacking one is equal to attacking everyone." Even in the face of fear of violence, Hong
Kong people are still free from fear and hope that everyone will bravely take to the streets
to express their demands.
Starting at 1 pm, the streets near Salisbury Garden in Tsimshatsui were full of people. At
1:30 pm, they headed for Jordan. The massive crowd again flooded the streets of Kowloon
chanting "5 Demands, Not One Less" "Hong Kong People, Resist!"
Tsimshatsui . Hong Kong | 2019
20 Oct 2019

Hong Kong-wide Hand-in-Hand Masked Human Chain at Tsimshatsui
Chief Executive Carrie Lam's "Policy Address" is pro-police and MTR but fails to address the
demands of the people. To fight against the authoritarianism, people continue to resist.
Netizens launched the "Hand-in-hand Masked Human Chain" along the MTR lines last
night, to protest against the "mask ban" invoked with the "Emergency Law". At the same
time, it demonstrated the unity of the people of Hong Kong to the international community
that they will continue to fight against totalitarianism with peaceful and rational means.
Tsim Sha Tsui has a strong presence of human chain on the waterfront. More than a dozen
people wear masks of Jimmy Sham holding a giant banner "We are all Jimmy Sham" to
support the convenor of the Civil Human Rights Front, who was recently attacked by
thugs and hospitalised. Someone dressed in white to mimic "Hong Kong Lady Liberty"
statue. Some people wear masks of Xi Jinping and Carrie Lam.
Tsimshatsui . Hong Kong | 2019
19 Oct 2019

My photo
is the top story on the front page of Master-Insight.

Flashmob March in Central to Protest Emergency Law Mask Ban
Some netizens feel that police have been arresting indiscriminately with brutality. The Carrie
Lam government invoked the Emergency Laws to pass the mask ban is worrying. A 5-district
flashmob is planned today, including Hong Kong Island, joint Tsim Sha Tsui x Mong Kok,
Kwun Tong and Lai Chi Kok and Kwai Fong.
For Hong Kong Island, protesters gathered at Chater Garden in Central at 12:45 pm. Over
1,000 people came and a huge banner reading "People Masked, Carrie Lam Heartless"
was hung. The police raised a yellow flag to warn of the illegal assembly but was
shouted off by citizens.
Most people wear masks undaunted by the mask ban. At 1 pm, the crowd march on the
road headed for Pedder Street in Central. They occupied the westbound lane and
chanted "HongKongers, Resist."
Central . Hong Kong | 2019
18 Oct 2019

College Rally at Design Institute for Truth of Naked Dead Girl (15) at Sea
Chan Yin-lam, a 15-year-old competitive swimmer who was ruled to have died by drowning
after her body was found floating in the sea near Tseung Kwan O last month.
Chan was enrolled on a Vocational Training Council (VTC) youth training course at the Hong
Kong Design Institute at the time of her death. Police said there were no marks of violence
on her body, although it was found naked, and that her death isn't being treated as
suspicious. However, the case was once classified as a "murder" case, but a few days
later, the police changed it to "corpse found".
The rushed cremation on the morning of the 10 October raised a high level of suspicion.
A crying Chan selfie video surfaced saying that she wants to stay behind to question
the on-site police commander “what I am doing wrong”.
VTC released 16 segments of video, about 20 minutes in total yesterday, showing Yin-lam
on campus on 19 September walking around barefoot before leaving the campus. However,
the key moments are still missing. Some people even pointed out that the girl in the video
is not Yin-lam. There are discrepancies in her facial features and the clothing.
17 colleges and universities signed a joint statement, calling for a rally at 12 noon today
at the main quad of the Hong Kong Design Institute. They started with a eulogy followed
by 3 minutes of silence. Then student representatives spoke and the floor was open to
the public. Many people brought flowers too mourn.
Tiu Keng Ling . Hong Kong | 2019
17 Oct 2019

Carrie Lam's Policy Address Aborted as Protesters Surround Legislature
The Legislative Council resumes meeting this morning. Chief Executive Carrie Lam delivers
her third Policy Address at the meeting at 11 am. Netizens called for protests and surround
the Legislative Council building to end the system violence of the legislature, and reaffirm 5
demands, not one less, withdraw the mask ban law and abolish the emergency law!
The Government has comprehensively strengthened the security of the Legislative Council
a few days ago. It has set up huge barricades outside the Legislative Council, Tamar Park
and the Chief Executive's Office, and a large number of riot police have been deployed, ready for expected conflicts.
The League of Social Democrats and protesters marched from Admiralty Station, to the Legislative Council Building, carrying a giant banner "Citizens Masked Carrie Lam Heartless".
They were stopped midway by police but was allowed to proceed after protest was agreed
by senior police. The protesters led by disqualified legislator Leung Kwok-hung (Long Hair) protested before the Legislative Council.
In this context, Carrie Lam read the Policy Address, but after a few sentences, it was interrupted
by protests by pan-democrat legislators. Legislative Council Chairman Leung Kwan-yin
announced the adjournment of the meeting because of the protests. Carrie Lam was
unable to continue and left the Legislative Council.and the Policy Address have to be
video-broadcasted later.
However, Carrie Lam indicated that the Policy Address will focus on improving people's
livelihood and attempt to solve the current deep-rooted problems of the society and
restore people's confidence on the one country, two systems with land and housing issues,
but without discussing political issues. That means there will be no response to demands
for genuine universal suffrage.
Legislator Charles Mok said that without institutional reforms, even if government spend lots
of money, they will not be able to get out of the predicament. "Young people and supporters
hope that the struggle for democracy and freedom will lead to democratic universal suffrage."
If the government does not respond to the 5 demands, the policy address has no effect at all.
Admiralty . Hong Kong | 2019
16 Oct 2019

Government Plans DQ? Joshua Wong & Others Questioned on 'Self-determination'
In 2016, a number of elected democratic legislators were disqualified (DQ=Disqualification)
by the Hong Kong Government. Looks like it will be repeated this year in the Hong Kong
District Council election. On 14 Oct, Joshua Wong, who is running at South Horizons West
district, and at least 4 other candidates received a letter from the Returning Officer (RO)
questioning that "Hong Kong independence" is an option for 'democratic self-determination'
plus 'free Hong Kong, the revolution of the times' and other issues. The candidates' reply
will determine the eligibility of their candidacy. Apparently, the government is paving the
way to DQ the candidates in a similar fashion.
The district council election will be held on the 24 November, the nomination period will
end on this Thursday. The pro-establishment faction and the government, knowing that
the election results is likely unfavorable to them, is already making excuses that the
election could be postponed. In fact, the democratic candidates must first pass the
first hurdle to be confirmed as eligible for the election. Most of the democratic candidates
have not yet received a confirmation from the RO. Only 22 of the 99 Democratic Party
candidates have been confirmed. The Party will issue a lawyer's letter to the district ROs today.
Joshua Wong, who is contesting in South Horizons West in the Southern District, issued a
message on the social network 13 October, saying that he had received a letter from the
district’s RO, Dorothy Ma, asking him to clarify his statement in support for the Basic Law
at or before 4:00 pm on 15 October. The RO enquired about the relationship between Wong
and the Demosisto Party, which platform includes "Democratic Self-Determination". Wong
was asked to explain whether he supports self-determination for HongKongers and whether
self-determination includes the option of Hong Kong independence. And if he supports the
idea, how can he not violate his Basic Law support statement. Before, the Hong Kong
Government used the same arguement to disqualify Agnes Chou Ting from running in the
Legislative Council by-election. Joshua Wong said that he would reply openly this afternoon
and reiterated: 'I have the right to stand for election and the government has no right to pre-screen.'
The government has said repeatedly that the district council election will postponed or even
canceled if there were chaos. Choi Chi-keung, Cheung Tat-ming, Cheung Chor-yung, Lee
Wing-yi, Chung Kin-wah and other scholars held a press conference yesterday to urge the
government not to postpone or cancel the district election, and not to disqualify the
candidates again to ensure a fair and just election.
Admiralty . Hong Kong | 2019
15 Oct 2019

Rally for Hong Kong Human Rights Law Floods Chater & Central
The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019, to punish those deemed
responsible for suppressing freedoms in Hong Kong, was passed by the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
The US Senate and House of Representatives will resume its meeting on October 15
and expected to begin to debate the law. Netizens launch the 'Rally for Hong Kong Human Rights Law' at 7 pm today to support 'punishing those who sell out Hong Kong' and
let the US authorities see the demands of Hong Kong people. A notice of no objection
has been issued by the police. It is the first approved public rally related to extradition
laws after the implementation of the mask ban law.
The rally is held at 7 to 9 pm in Chater Garden in Central and the no objection notice is
valid until 10:30 pm. They called for protesters to urge the US to pass the bill as soon
as possible in a peaceful, rational and elegant manner.
At 6 pm before the rally began, thousands flooded Chater Garden on Monday night.
Some have to stand on the road outside the Court of Final Appeal. Massive crowd
attended, overflowing to Chater Road, Statue Square, Gloucester Road, as far as
Hong Kong Station near IFC, flooding the streets of Central. Over 130,000
attended, according to organisers.
In addition to reading the declaration and singing "Glory to Hong Kong", the gathering
also invited a number of guest speakers, including Joshua Wong, Secretary-General of
Demosisto, who had participated in the US Congress hearing earlier, and Dennis Kwok, pan-
democrat legislator who have met US Senator Ted Cruz who visited Hong Kong.
Central . Hong Kong | 2019
14 Oct 2019

My photo
is the top story on the front page of Master-Insight.

Lone Protester vs Riot Police Squad - David vs Goliath
A masked lone protester carrying a sign 'you can scare us but you can't stop us' was
surrounded by a squad of 8 police in riot gear, outside Sogo department store in
Causeway Bay this afternoon.
The scene is symbolic of the David vs Goliath situation in the current protests in Hong Kong.
The giant Goliath, in this case, is the authoritarian Chinese state, the ineffectual chief
executive and her government, and the police, whose excessive use of force was
found by Amnesty International to be a violation of international law.
The lone young female protester only has her protest sign to protect herself psychologically
and her mask to shield her identity. But after the recent 'mask ban law' put into effect by
Carrie Lam who invoke the colonial-era 'emergency laws', she could be in violation.
Causeway Bay . Hong Kong | 2019
13 Oct 2019

My photo
is the top story on the front page of Master-Insight.

Tsimshatsui March Against Emergency Law Floods Kowloon Streets
For the first time in half a century, Hong Kong government has invoked an colonial era law
to ban people from wearing masks during protests. Carrie Lam invoke the Emergency Laws
after a special Executive Council meeting on October 4 to implement the "Anti-masked law."
The effect is like fueling fire with oil. In the past few days, it has not reduced protests and
demonstrations, but has intensified social divisions.
Many people responded to a call on the Internet to join the "Anti-emergency law march", held
at 3 pm today to protest against the Government's invoking the Emergency Regulations
Ordinance, marching from the Clock Tower in Tsim Sha Tsui to the Sham Shui Po Sports Ground.
At 2:30 pm, thousands gathered near the Clock Tower and Cultural Centre Plaza in Tsimshatsui.
At 3 o'clock, the crowd started marching, occupied the north-bound lanes of Nathan Road
and headed for Jordan and Sham Shui Po.
Tsimshatsui . Hong Kong | 2019
12 Oct 2019

My photo
is the top story on the front page of Master-Insight.

Over 1000 March in Central FlashMob in Support of Arrested Guards & Students
Police have arrested 5 security guards on suspicion of obstruction after they tried to
block officers from entering MOSTown mall near the Ma On Shan MTR station. Security
guards sought to block the door, but the police forcefully entered.
The Hong Kong Association of Property Management and Security Workers issued a
statement that the arrest operation was obviously aimed at intimidating frontline
security guards. It forces them to obey the police under any circumstances and
describe that 'police power is excessive and human rights are betrayed.'
The Chief Secretary for Administration, Matthew Cheung, together with several
Department heads, held an inter-departmental press conference on the afternoon
of the 10th. Cheung said that as of today , among the 2,379 arrested persons,
there were 104 under the age of 16 and 750 under the age of 18.
Some netizens feel that the police arrested indicriminately with excessive force and the
situation is heartbreaking. A Central Flashlight March was launched today gathering at
Chater Garden at12:30 pm to support the arrested security guards and students. Over
1,000 people joined, and a giant banner "Hong Kong Police Murders Deliberately" was hung.
At around 1 pm, the crowd walked out on the road and headed for Pedder Street in
Central, occupying the westbound lane.
Central . Hong Kong | 2019
11 Oct 2019

Flag Raising at Red House on 108th Anniversary of 1911 Revolution
108 year ago today, the Revolution of 1911 broke out. Sun Yat-sen adopted the Three People's
Principles as a Platform to establish a revolutionary organisation, armed uprising, and
successfully overthrown the Qing Dynasty. The "Democratic Front" holds a rally at the Red
House in Tuen Mun every year to commemorate the anniversary of the revolution. The Double
Ten commemorative activities initiated by netizens are flourishing in all districts today.
Hung Lau (Red House), a Grade I historic building, was built between 1905 and 1910 on
former farmland in Pak Kok, Tuen Mun. It was used by the Hsing Chung Hui (Revive
China Society) as a base for revolutionary activities against the Qing dynasty.
It is named for its red-pigmented external surface rendering. The two-storey house is a mix
of Chinese and Western influences. Adjacent to the house is a park commemorating Dr Sun
Yat-sen who founded the Republic of China and one of few places in Hong Kong where the
flag of the Republic is hoisted continuously.
Tuen Man . Hong Kong | 2019
10 Oct 2019

Journalist Assn Decries Uncivilised Removal of Reporters' Mask by Police
Chris Yeung, Chairman of Hong Kong Journalists' Association, has complained that the
security chief has broken his promise that journalists will be exempt from the anti-mask
law after police violently ripped masks off several reporters, which was an uncivilised act.
Secretary for Security John Lee Ka-chiu had stated journalists were exempt from the anti-
mask law, which came into effect through emergency regulations at midnight on Saturday.
In a legal letter, the Hong Kong Journalists Association said it received numerous complaints
from members who had been ordered by police, often in an aggressive manner, to remove
their masks, or had their masks "violently removed" by police.
This happened even when the journalists clearly displayed their press credentials and were
wearing high-visibility vests and helmets marked "Press," the association added. It sought
a "most urgent clarification" from the secretaries for justice and security, as well as the
Commissioner of Police, on the applicability of the law to journalists doing their work.
It also asked if a journalist who wears a facial covering when reporting on a public event
commits an offense under the anti-mask law.
The association also called on police officers to present their warrant cards and remove
facial coverings when verifying the identities of journalists so journalists may verify the
identity of the officer and record their warrant card number.
Admiralty . Hong Kong | 2019
9 Oct 2019

Frontline Reporter Figure "Made by Hong Kong People"
On 18 August, at the protest rally in Victoria Park in Causeway Nay, figures of front-line
protesters and demonstration paraphernalia in 1 to 6 scale was exhibited. The exquisite
craftmanship and highly realistic models left a deep impression with the audience.
Afterwards, they were exhibited in different rallies or public events. Each time, a large number
of participants and passers-by will take pictures, post on social media and spread online.
Mr C, one of the creators of "Made by Hong Kong people", said that there were only four
models in the past, but felt that journalists had the most difficult role, so they deliberately
designed additional models to thank reporters for their silent effort on the front line.
The model uses a classic reflective vest and a must-have gas mask. The helmet specifically
has the word "PRESS". The details of the press card and the camera are also intentional.
Admiralty . Hong Kong | 2019
8 Oct 2019

Chung Yeung Memorial Service at Prince Edward Mourns Anti-extradition Deaths
For nearly 4 months of the Anti-China Extradition movement, many people have committed
suicide. In addition, rumours are rife of arrested person being killed in the San Uk Ling
Detention Centre and Protesters being killed at Prince Edward MTR Station on 31 August.
Although the Government has repeatedly clarified that no one has died, the public still
set up an altar of flower at the Prince Edward Station.
Today is Chung Yeung Festival, netizens and a Christian group "Disciple Media" launched a
"Chung Yeung Memorial Service for Anti-Extradition Martyrs" at the Prince Edward Station
at 7 pm, mourning 9 who had passed away, the 3 missing on 31 August and numerous
people who died mysterously in the the last months.
Hundreds of people gathered outside Exit B1 of Prince Edward Station, offering flowers
and burning joss paper. A large white banner reading 'Police murder people here.'
On 31Aug 31, about 11 pm, riot police, including members of the Special Tactical Squad
'Raptors', stormed Prince Edward subway station in Mong Kok. Riot police were filmed
by journalists rushing into subway carriages and viciously and indiscriminately
assaulting passengers with batons and pepper spray, leaving many passengers
cowering and bleeding. The station was then closed for 2 days. 3 seriously
injured went missing and suspected to be killed by police. MTR Subway
refused to show CCTV footage.
Mongkok . Hong Kong | 2019
7 Oct 2019

My photo
is the top story on the front page of Master-Insight.

Protesters Defy Emergency Mask Ban and Rain - Flooding Hong Kong Streets
Tens of thousands of masked Hongkongers marched from Causeway Bay to Central on the
second day after the government issued an anti-mask law by invoking the colonial era
Emergency Regulations Ordinance.
The crowd first gathered outside Sogo department store in Causeway Bay at around 2 pm
chanting “Hongkongers, resist!” “Mask wearing not guilty!” The streets were full of citizens
deliberately wearing masks to challenge the new legislation. Police did not intervene. At
2:30 pm, the crowd took up the westbound Hennessy Road and headed for Central.
People pointed out that Carrie Lam government mismanaged and did not heed public
opinion. The mask ban after the first "community dialog" aroused greater public anger.
They are most dissatisfied that the public cannot wear mask but the police can, condoning
more and more serious police brutality, and worried that the government will invoke further
emergency laws to stop Internet access, start curfew and martial law at any time.
A huge banner reading "Glory to Hong Kong" led the march. In addition to the usual chants
like "5 demands, no one less", new ones are "Mask wearing not guilty, protest is reasonable"
and "HongKonger, resist".
Protesters raised their umbrellas and occupied all east and west-bound lanes in Causeway
Bay and Wanchai proceeding to Central, undaunted by occasional heavy rain.
24 Hong Kong democrat legislators challenged the mask ban with jydicial review in High
Court this morning, accusing leader Carrie Lam of 'usurping the legislature'.
The Bar Association said that invoking Emergency Law for the mask ban is unconstitutional.
Causeway Bay . Hong Kong | 2019
6 Oct 2019

'HongKongers Resist' Citywide as Emergency Law Mask Ban Escalates Conflicts
More mass protests were sparked on Friday after the Hong Kong government invoked emergency
legislation to ban masks at protests, which came into effect at midnight last night.
The government said the law, banning people from wearing masks at any lawful or unlawful
demonstration, was intended to halt violent protests. Before the announcement was made,
thousands of protesters marched in Central – the main business district of Hong Kong, in
opposition to the emergency legislation. (reported yesterday below and here)
After the law was announced at 3pm, thousands wearing masks gathered in Central again
and blocked Connaught Road Central near Exchange Square.
The city exploded in anger. Protests and rallies were held in 18 districts questioning the
government's hidden agenda to pave the way for the 'Emergency Law.'
Protest rallies resulting in roads blocked in at least 6 districts of Hong Kong Island, including
Central, Admiralty, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay, Tai Koo, and even Aberdeen, for the first time.
"Hong Kong people, resist" was the new chant.
Protesters damaged China-related and pro-police businesses along the way. MTR stations
were closed the station due to arson. Riot police were deployed in various districts at 10 pm
and fired tear gas to clear the scene.
In Central, over 10,000 people rallied at Pedder Street and Conaught Road Central near
Exchange Square. Traffic has stalled as too many people had flooded the roads.
Afterwards, the massive crowd marched toward Admiralty. Harcourt Road outside Admiralty
Station and government headquarters was also occupied, and both east and west-bound
traffic lanes were blocked.
In Causeway Bay, thousands of people gathered outside Sogo Department Store while someone
waved the black flag reading "Free Hong Kong, Revolution of the Time". Both east and west-
bound traffic lanes were occupied. More than a dozen buses could not pass and parked at
the road. MTR Causeway Bay Station was closed. At around 9 pm, some people were
dissatisfied with the station closure and set fire to Exit E and activated fire sprinklers
at Exit F1. Firemen were despatched.
In Wabchai, numerous people gathered near Canal Road. The giant statue of Lady Liberty
of Hong Kong in full gear appeared. Public sentiment was high and chanted '5 Demands,
Not One Less' and 'Hong Kong People, Resist'.
Hong Kong Island . Hong Kong | 2019
5 Oct 2019

My photo
is the top story on the front page of Master-Insight.

Anti-Emergency Law March Flooded Chater Garden and Central
Many sources reveal that the government will invoke a British colonial-era law for the first time
in half a century to ban people from wearing masks at protests. Carrie Lam will invoke
the Emergency Laws after the Executive Council meeting this morning at the government
headquarters. It is reported that the authorities will implement the "Anti-mask Law" under
the pretext of conflicts and escalation of violence in more than 11 districts. The law will prohibit
citizens from wearing mask at illegal gatherings or violent demonstrations. The law will provide
some exemptions but it is not known whether police officers can continue to wear mask.
Denis Kwok Wing-hang, legislator of Civic Party, strongly opposes the government's 'Anti-
Mask Law' under the 'Emergency Law'. It is believed that the activation of the 'Emergency Law'
gives the Chief Executive and Executive Council almost absolute power to enact any law
without the review function of the Legislative Council. The administration may even use
the Emergency Law to prohibit demonstrations, disable the Internet, and cancel the district
elections at the end of next month. It can be seen that "the Emergency Law is the Pandora's
box. Once opened, further evil will inevitably come." Kowk believes that the implementation
of the Anti-mask Law will not reduce the number of people on the streets, but will intensify
divisions in the society. He believes that some people will submit a judicial review on the
Anti-mask Law because there is no law in Hong Kong which can violate the Basic Law.
Kwok also pointed out that the SAR Government had stated in a document to the United
Nations in November 1999 that if the "Emergency Law" were cited, it would be submitted
to the Legislative Council. He asked Carrie Lam whether she still complied with this
commitment. According to the document, the Hong Kong Government means that
the regulations enacted by the Emergency Law are subject to Article 39 of the Basic
Law, and the relevant laws and regulations are subsidiary legislation and are subject
to review by the Legislative Council.
Netizens launched a march in the Chater Garden in Central at 12:30 today to protest the
Anti-mask Law and marched towards Central. Protesters flooded the Chater Garden and
the adjacent streets in Central.
Central . Hong Kong | 2019
4 Oct 2019

Record 1400 Tear Gas 1300 Shots Fired 269 Arrested on 1 Oct
Hong Kong police on 1 Octiber fired around 1,400 tear gas canisters, 900 rubber bullets,
190 beanbag rounds, 230 sponge bullets, deployed water cannon trucks and fired 6
shots in 4 incidents – setting a new record for ammunition fired and people arrested
by the city's law enforcement in a single day.
The Deputy Commissioner of Police, Tang Ping-keung, defended the shooting of an 18-year-old
protester with live ammunition, saying that the officer was 'aiming for centre mass' in
accordance with international standards. When asked about if the policeman has violated
the police code when shooting at a close distance at the chest which could kill a person,
Tang replied, 'Is it definite that we cannot shoot someone to death? It is also not possible
that we can stop one’s activity without shooting people dead.'
Of the 269 people arrested, the highest in the past four months, 93 are students and the
youngest is only 12 years old. A total of 178 men and 91 women, aged between 12 and 71.
When 93 were students, each person was suspected of possessing offensive weapons,
illegal assembly, etc., and did not rule out future control. More crimes. In the Sep 29
Admiralty clash, 96 people were arrested for involvement in the riots, a total of 80
men and 16 women, aged 14 to 46.
Causeway Bay . Hong Kong | 2019
3 Oct 2019

Public Doctors Assn Strongly Condemns Police for Shooting Citizens Execution Style
The Hong Kong Public Doctors Association strongly condemns the Hong Kong police for
using excessive force to clear and shooting protesters. That is deliberately shooting the
public and criticizing the police officers for choosing a more lethal pistol to injure the
left chest. The act is basically the same as an execution.
The association said in a statement that at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, during the clearance
of the Tsuen Wan, a police officer armed with a beanbag gun and a pistol shot a Form 5
student at a close range, and prevented others from helping. The relevant behaviour
seriously exceeded the level of force that the police should use. The police said on
social media that the person was injured near the shoulder, instead of being injured
in the left chest, seriously distorting the facts.
The Association pointed out that frontline police officers are hostile to the citizens, journalists
and medical staff, and do not respect the demonstrations and basic rights of the people of
Hong Kong. The police high-level officials have not only failed to review them, but have
repeatedly defended their faults. The actions have ruined the professional image of
police built up from many years. It not only causes more people in Hong Kong to
suffer unnecessary harm, but also pushes the Hong Kong police against the
public and seriously damages Hong Kong's international image.
UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said in a statement: 'Whilst there is no excuse for violence,
the use of live ammunition is disproportionate, and only risks inflaming the situation.'
(Screen cap of HKUSU Campus TV video, used with Creative Commons)
Tsuen Wan . Hong Kong | 2019
2 Oct 2019

National Day Protest March is On Despite Ban, Flooding Streets of Hong Kong
Pro-democracy leaders Lee Cheuk-yan, Albert Ho, Leung Kwok-Hung (aka Long Hair)
and Chan Ho-hang say they will organise a protest march on 1 October that will mirror
the route of the Civil Human Rights Front demonstration banned by the police.
The secretary-general of the Confederation of Trade Unions, Lee Cheuk-yan, said they
will not apply for a "letter of no objection" for the march, because Hong Kong people's
freedom to protest is already enshrined in the Basic Law and doesn't require the
authorities' approval.
The march, from East Point Road in Causeway Bay to Central's Chater Road, is slated
to start at 1pm.
Lee said they want to show the world that this year's National Day – which also marks
the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China – is a day of shame, not celebrations.
An appeal board had earlier agreed with the police that in light of recent clashes
following protests, a National Day march would pose a threat to people's safety.
The Civil Human Rights Front promptly announced that its protest march was
therefore cancelled.
At 12:30 pm, massive number of people started gathering at East Point Road outside
Sogo Department Store and the neighbouring street. Tens of thousands of protesters
flooded the streets of Hong Kong Island once again.
Causeway Bay . Hong Kong | 2019
1 Oct 2019
Jan 2019
Jan 2018
Jan 2017
Jan 2016
Jan 2015
Feb 2014
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