Exploring Deserted Nunnery from 1960s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted nunnery.
There are 3 buildings of 2-storeys each, completed in 1968. 2 of the buildings are
flooded outside and inside, with partitioned rooms. It has been deserted since 2006
with furniture and personal items scattered throughout the buildings.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
31 Mar 2022

Exploring Deserted Village House
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village house.
The 3-storey house has balconies at the first and second floor. It has been deserted since 1997. Furniture and personal items are scattered throughout,
Including 3 alarm clocks and a child's riding horse.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
30 Mar 2022

Tatooed Fruit Hawker
A massively tattooed hawker is busy selling fruits at Yaumatei Wholesale Fruit Market.
The Peak . Hong Kong | 2022
29 Mar 2022

Green Monster Alert at Deserted Tong Lau from 1940s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted Tong Lau (Chinese tenement building).
The building was completed in 1948. It has 3 storeys of a 2 units on each floor with a
nett area of 481 to 538 sq ft. Some units are partitioned into subdivided rooms.
It has been deserted since 1992. Furniture and lots of personal items are scattered
throughout the building. There is a Green Monster art installation on the roof.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
28 Mar 2022

"Dynamic Zero" at The Peak Galleria
The Peak Galleria, a popular shopping mall at one of the top tourist spots in Hong Kong,
is virtually empty at 11 am on 26 March 2022, Saturday. The Carrie Lam government's
"Dynamic Zero COVID" policy with draconian but inconsistent social distancing rules -
no more than 2 people gathering and no dining-in after 6 pm while tens of
thousands still ride the subway and buses - is killing the economy, as the city
faces its worst Covid-19 wave to date.
The Peak . Hong Kong | 2022
27 Mar 2022

Exploring Deserted Century-old Quarters in Upscale District
An avid urban explorer ventures into deserted quarters in the most upscale district in Hong Kong.
Built in 1896, the building perches on the hill and is now hidden in the bushes. Little
information is available on the building but from the layout and design, it is most
likely a government quarters for foreign workers. There is a fireplace in one of the
rooms. The roof has collapsed and only open space remain where windows were.
Roots and vines have intertwined with the structure.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
26 Mar 2022

Exploring Deserted Waterfront Mansion
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted mansion on the waterfront with
splendid and expansive seaview.
The 3-storey mansion sits right on the edge of the waterfront with steps leading
Into the sea. There are 2 units with balconies on the first and second floors.
The front folding gate has been damaged and fallen apart. It has been deserted
for a while. Furniture and personal items has been mostly cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
25 Mar 2022

Hong Kong Steps up to Ukraine's President Calls for Global Protest of Russian Invasion
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged citizens around the world
to protest against Russia one month into the invasion, as Russian forces reportedly
stall outside Kyiv.
Over 10 people, including Ukrainians, HongKongers, Americans and other
nationalities gathered in Queen's Road Central near Theatre Lane to to show
their support for Ukraine and protest the Russian invasion of the Eastern European nation.
They raised Ukrainian flags and protest signs 'Stop Blood in Ukraine', 'Stop Genocide',
'No War', etc.
Police arrived and took down the names and identity of the protesters, reflecting
vanishing freedom in Hong Kong under the National Security Law.
Central . Hong Kong | 2022
24 Mar 2022

Exploring Deserted Village House
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village house.
The 2-storey house has a balcony at the back on the first floor. It has been deserted since 1997. Furniture and personal items are scattered throughout. A
large framed portrait of a lady remained, an indication that the owner was well off.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
23 Mar 2022

Azalea Blooming
As spring arrives, Azalea is blooming at Victoria Park in Causeway Bay.
Causeway Bay . Hong Kong | 2022
22 Mar 2022

Prison Break?
An avid urban explorer escapes from an underground portal.
Hong Kong | 2022
21 Mar 2022

An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted Tong Lau (Chinese tenement building) after a fire.
The building was completed in 1958. It has 5 storeys of 2 units on each floor with a
nett area of 618 sq ft. Some units are partitioned into subdivided rooms. It has
been deserted since 2015. Furniture and personal items are scattered throughout
the building. One of the units has been badly burnt after a fire and was totally charred.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
20 Mar 2022

DickieFowler Kicks-off 'One' Photo Show
Artist Dickie Fowler, aka Dickie Suzuki, opens his first solo photo exhibition “One” at
Soho House on 17-31 March, 10am to 6pm.
It showcased Dickie's distinctive photography of vibrant neon-coloured night
scenes of Hong Kong.
Sheung Wan . Hong Kong | 2022
19 Mar 2022

Bougainvillea Blooming
Bougainvillea is a vibrant, blooming vine that climbs on trellises and thrives best in
hot and dry climates. It is a tough, tropical plant which puts on a spectacular show
of colour year-round and can stand up to heat and drought while fast-growing.
It is blooming at the centennial campus at The University of Hong Kong.
Pokfulam . Hong Kong | 2020
18 Mar 2022

Exploring Deserted Century-old Mansion
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted century-old mansion.
Built in 1920, the 2-storey high mansion is made of reinforced concrete and granite.
The front porch is decorated with classical columns. The roof has a triangular eaves wall
where the name of the mansion is engraved. During the Japanese Occupation (1941-1945),
it was occupied by the Japanese army and was still rented out after the war. It became
deserted in the 1970s and was rated as a Grade III historic building in 2010.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
17 Mar 2022

Stand with Ukraine
Yellow and Blue are the colours of the national flag of Ukraine.
A yellow wall of a deserted senior home set against the blue sky.
Yuen Long . Hong Kong | 2020
16 Mar 2022

Exploring Deserted Restaurant
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted restaurant.
Nestled on the hillside, the 2-storey restaurant was opened in 1976. It was a
Chinese restaurant serving Cantonese food with broad seaview from the terrace.
It changed hand in 2004 but eventually closed in 2009 and became deserted since.
Furniture and personal items are scattered throughout the buildings.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
15 Mar 2022

Urban Colorz Curated by The French Girl
Artist Caroline, aka The French Girl, presents an exhibition “Urban Colorz” at
Soho House on 2-13 March, 10pm to 6pm, for the Art Month.
It showcases photography, oil, spray, block print, collage, upcycled materials and
installations of vibrant colour by 10 Hong Kong-based artists:
The 33press @the_33press | Dickie Suzuki @DickieSuzuki | Gaelle Skura @PaintingByGaelle |
Couleur Aube @couleur_aube | Jibeone @jibeone.31 | Antonia Villet @AntotoTheArtist |
BSM @artlab852 | Ling Muki @lingmuki | Cynthia Mak @CynthiaAndXiao |
The French Girl @TheFrenchGirlUrbanArt
Inspired by the traditional Chinese symbol of Double Happiness, The French Girl
gave it a personal twist creating a double heart symbol. "We need love more
than anything else in this tough period of time. My Double Love could mean love
your family, love your friends, love your job, love your neighbours, love your pets,
love your city, etc. The recent evolution with the shining Double Heart invites
to share & to spread love around," mused Caroline.
Sheung Wan . Hong Kong | 2022
14 Mar 2022

Exploring Parallel Universe
An avid urban explorer ventures into an underground portal for a parallel universe.
Hong Kong | 2022
14 Mar 2022

Exploring Deserted Nunnery from 1960s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted nunnery.
There are 3 buildings of 2-storeys each, completed in 1968. 2 of the buildings are
flooded outside and inside, with partitioned rooms. It has been deserted since 2006
with furniture and personal items scattered throughout the buildings.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
12 Mar 2022

Exploring Deserted Village School
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village school.
The 1- and 2-storey school building includes classrooms and offices with a piano in
thr music room. It has been abandoned for over 20 years with a lot of graffiti.
fallen trees and leaves fill the compound.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
11 Mar 2022

Exploring Deserted Village House
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village house.
Perched on a hill, the 2-storey house is accessed by a series of steps uphill including
a staircase in front. Another staircase inside provides access to the first floor.
It has been deserted for a while. Furniture and fixture have been cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
10 Mar 2022

Hung Hau Temple
Hung Hau Temple is located in Tai Long Wan Village, Shek Pik, Lantau Island,
dedicated to Deity Hung and Lord Hau. The original site of the temple
was in Shek Pik, and was moved due to the construction of Shek Pik
Reservoir in 1960.
Lantau . Hong Kong | 2022
9 Mar 2022

International Women Explore Deserted Hakka Mansion
Avid woman urban explorers from all over the world venture into a deserted Hakka
mansion to celebrate International Women's Day.
The elegant traditional Hakka mansion, hidden behind bushes, has been long deserted,
with bushes growing in front. The mansion, with a history of over 80 years, is
typical of the Hakka 'two-halls two-horizontal' residential building in Mei County,
Guangdong. It is the only single residential building in Hong Kong listed as a
Grade I historical building.
The exquisite lion carvings on both sides of the gate beam have been removed.
The half-moon-shaped fengshui pond in front of the house has been overrun by
reeds and bushes, and the eaves are in disrepair and dilapidated.
The mansion has 16 rooms, 2 halls and 2 inner courtyards. The hall is the central
axis of the house, with bedrooms and kitchens on either side. The courtyards have
a pond each, and the wooden doors of the rooms are exquisitely carved. Both design
and colour are tasteful. Most of the furnitures are gone.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
#IWD #IWD2022 #IWDHK #IWDHK2022 #BreakTheBias
Hong Kong | 2021
8 Mar 2022

Angel Tayla Descends on Deserted Warehouse
Angel Tayla - an avid urban explorer, educator, dancer and hiker from Cape Town,
South Africa, in her past life - ventures into a deserted warehouse in Hong Kong.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
7 Mar 2022

City Above the Clouds
Hong Kong seems like a city above the clouds as the fog descended on the city.
Hong Kong | 2022
6 Mar 2022

Exploring Deserted Townhouse in Upscale District
An avid urban explorer ventures into deserted townhouses in the most upscale district in Hong Kong.
Built in 1982, the townhouses are a block of 3 buildings, 3-storey high each with a nett
area of 3,082 to 3,119 sq ft. It has been deserted for a while. Furniture and fixture
have been cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
5 Mar 2022

Stand with Ukraine
Russia invades Ukraine unprovoked and is condemned by 141 member countries of
United Nations. Sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine.
80,000 sunflowers were blooming at San Tin Farm in Yuen Long.
Yuen Long . Hong Kong | 2020
4 Mar 2022

Exploring Deserted Century-old Nunnery
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted century-old nunnery.
The building was completed around 1910s. It has 2 units with 2 storeys with a balcony
on the first floor in one of the units. The interior of the unit on the left has collapsed
completely. Only a basket of rice bowls remain on the first floor.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
3 Mar 2022

Yin Hing Monastery
Yin Hing Monastery is located on Keung Shan, Lantau Island, which is over 300 metres above sea level.
It was built by Master Miu Chi in 1966. It is the largest of the many Buddhist temples in Keung Shan.
Hong Kong | 2021
2 Mar 2022

Stand with Ukraine
Russia invades Ukraine unprovoked and is condemned by the free world.
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted Tong Lau (Chinese tenement building).
The building was completed in 1957. It has 5 storeys of a 2 units on each floor with a
nett area of 789 to 864 sq ft. Some units are partitioned into subdivided rooms.
It has been deserted since 2017. Furniture and personal items, including toy rifles,
are scattered throughout the building.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
1 Mar 2022
Jan 2022
Jan 2021
Jan 2020
Jan 2019
Jan 2018
Jan 2017
Jan 2016
Jan 2015
Feb 2014
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