Yongzhou Solves Puzzles
6 year-old Bao Yongzhou, with cerebral palsy, has no problem moving odd-shaped
pieces through a labyrinth where he has to maneuver and rotate the pieces in
different directions, even while chatting with Alky Leung from Hong Kong.
Cerebral palsy is characterized by abnormal muscle tone, reflexes, or motor development
and coordination. China is estimated to have about 1 to 1.2 million children suffering
from cerebral palsy.
Changchun · Jilin · China | 2014
31 August 2014

Bocheng Dares to Dream
6 year-old Su Bocheng, with cerebral palsy, wants to be an airplane pilot when
he grows up, as Alky Leung from Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation reminds
him that he need to study hard and be thorough in his rehab training.
Cerebral palsy is characterized by abnormal muscle tone, reflexes, or motor development
and coordination. There can be joint and bone deformities and contractures. An estimated
1 to 1.2 million children in China suffer from cerebral palsy.
Changchun · Jilin · China | 2014
30 August 2014

Yuanjian Aces Hand-eye Coordination
7 year-old Gao Yuanjian, with cerebral palsy, proves that he still has good hand-eye
coordination by hitting the right spot resulting in the red peg flying in the air,
as his grandma Zhang Chunxia and Alky Leung from Hong Kong Society for
Rehabilitation observe.
Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the motor control centres of the developing
brain that cause physical disability in body movement, sensation, depth
perception, and communication ability. There are an estimated 1 to 1.2 million
children in China suffering from cerebral palsy.
Liaoyuan · Jilin · China | 2014
29 August 2014

Jiaming Conquers Cerebral Palsy
6 year-old Gan Jiaming, with cerebral palsy, is overjoyed to be able to strike
down all three water bottles in a game of bowling with a little assistance
from Shirley, an occupational therapist from Hong Kong.
Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the motor control centres of the developing
brain and can occur during pregnancy, childbirth or after birth up to about age
three, that cause physical disability, mainly in the areas of body movement,
sensation, depth perception, and communication ability. China is estimated
to have about 1 to 1.2 million children suffering from cerebral palsy.
Jilin City · Jilin · China | 2014
28 August 2014

Sunning Red Chili
Drying red Jinta chilli in the sun is a common sight in Changchun, capital city
of Jilin province in northeast China.
People of Jilin are hooked on spicy food and the restaurant scene has been taken
over by numerous Sichuan establishments.
Changchun · Jilin · China | 2014
27 August 2014

Balinese Roadside Stone Deities
Nicknamed Island of the Gods, Bali has numerous carved stone figures of demons
and deities sitting on the roadside. Balinese Hinduism is an amalgam in which
gods and demigods are worshipped together with Buddhist heroes, the spirits
of ancestors, indigenous agricultural deities and sacred places.
Kuta · Bali · Indonesia | 2014
26 August 2014

Embrace Freedom in the Storm
Annie Zhang from Wuxi, Jiangsu, China joins the 'hike for democracy' as a
supporter of Occupy Central and proudly holds up the signature towel from
the civil disobedience movement that reads 'embrace freedom in the storm'.
Central · Hong Kong | 2014
25 August 2014

Hong Kong Legislators Hike for Democracy
Over 10 Hong Kong pan-democrat legislators join hundreds in the 'hike for democracy',
organised by Occupy Central to highlight their wishes for true universal suffrage
on the eve of the key decision by the Chinese National Peoples' Congress on the
election of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong in 2017.
Central · Hong Kong | 2014
24 August 2014

Golden Sunset at Kuta
Bali's tourism started at Kuta Beach where the sweeping arc of sand curves for
12 km into the misty horizon northwest to Echo Beach. Surf that started far
out in the Indian Ocean crashes to shore in long breaks and this is where
surfing in Asia first took off.
Sunset at the best Beach in Bali is always fantastic and sometimes serene.
Kuta · Bali · Indonesia | 2014
23 August 2014

Sunning Rice Cakes
Rice cakes, a healthy local snack in natural white or dyed pink colour, are dried
on the waterfront on sunny days on the delightfully laid-back Nusa Lembongan,
a small island 30 minutes by fast ferry from Bali main island.
Nusa Lembongan · Bali · Indonesia | 2014
22 August 2014

Crystal Clear Water of Lembongan
Nusa Lembongan, a small island off the southeast coast of Bali main island, is
rapidly becoming one of Bali's most popular island paradise and is a world
away from the hassle and hectic pace of South Bali. Neither hawkers nor
traffic mar the magnificent scenery; this is a fine place to just put
your feet up and relax.
Main activities include surfing, diving and snorkelling. The water is some of
the clearest you will find anywhere in a vivid aqua blue colour.
Nusa Lembongan · Bali · Indonesia | 2014
21 August 2014

Temple Offering
A Balinese lady gives her daily offering to the deities at a pura (temple). The basket
is filled with rice and flowers called ‘canang sari' that Balinese offer to their
Gods three times a day.
It is basically a ritual of giving back what has been given to you by the Gods. It is
a sharing that is not based upon fear, but on gratitude to the richness of life.
Offering appeases the spirits and brings prosperity and good health to the family.
Sanur · Bali · Indonesia | 2014
20 August 2014

Russian Ladies in the Park
Russians are strong people, able to endure hardship and extreme climate with
submission and patience. Defeated by harsh weather, a tumultuous history and
the general malaise that ensued, Russians seem to value the status quo and
are reluctant to change.
Cynicism, obstinacy, nostalgia and friendliness can all be observed in
this microcosm in the park.
St Petersburg · Russia | 2012
19 August 2014

St Nicholas Cathedral
The ice-blue St Nicholas Naval Cathedral is a major Baroque Orthodox cathedral
in St Petersburg. It has always been closely associated with the Russian Navy,
serving as its main shrine until the Russian Revolution.
The church is a major example of the Elizabethan or Rastrellieqsque Baroque style.
St Petersburg · Russia | 2012
18 August 2014

Book Crossing
The Book Crossing Festival is encouraging you to drop off unwanted books at
collection points all over Hong Kong. Collected used books will then be
used for book exchange or book crossing held on the Cultural Centre on
16 August and at Youth Square in Chai Wan on 23-24 August 2014.
Tsimshatsui · Hong Kong | 2014
17 August 2014

Inside Church on Spilled Blood
The multidomed Church on Spilled Blood, built to commemorate Tsar Alexander II who
was assassinated at this site in 1881 was partly modelled on St Basil's Cathedral
in Moscow.
The 7,000 sq metres of intircate mosaics lining its walls are spectacular.
St Petersburg · Russia | 2012
16 August 2014

The Church on Spilled Blood
Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ was built between 1883 and 1907 on the site
where reformist Tsar Alexander II was assassinated in 1881 and was dedicated in his
memory. The glittering multi-colour onion domes and the intricate mosiacs inside
are stuninng and not to be missed.
St Petersburg · Russia | 2012
15 August 2014

Inside The Hermitage
Very few museums in the world rival the Hermitage in size and quality. Inside, you can
parade down the grand staircases and across vast halls of parquet floors, ogling the
royal collection of gilded furniture, crystal chandeliers and amazing art.
St Petersburg · Russia | 2012
14 August 2014

The Hermitage
Formerly the homes of Tsars, the Hermitage Museum is the centrepiece of St Petersburg
and houses one of the world’s greatest art collections with more Rembrandts than the
Louvre. No other institution so embodies the opulence and extravangance of the Romanovs.
One of the largest and oldest museums in the world, it was founded in 1764 by Catherine
the Great and has been open to the public since 1852.
St Petersburg · Russia | 2012
13 August 2014

Elephants on Parade
Over 100 individually-painted life-size baby elephant statues are on parade at
the world’s largest elephant art exhibition to attract public awareness and
support for the conservation of endangered Asian elephants.
From 1 August to 9 September, they are at Pacific Place, Cityplaza and Citygate malls,
as well as The Upper House and EAST, Hong Kong.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
12 August 2014

Save the Arctic
The Arctic is under threat from climate change, oil drilling, industrial fishing
and conflict. Arctic in Greek means 'bear' but the polar bear is rapidly losing
their habitat in the Arctic...
In 2012, there were an estimated 20,000 polar bears but will be sharply dwindling
by 65% to 7,000 in 2040. Greenpeace Hong Kong is campaigning to
save the arctic
and its animals with a life-size polar bear staged by
volunteers in the summer heat to raise public awareness.
Shatin · Hong Kong | 2014
11 August 2014

Sham Shui Po Culture Wiped Out by Urban Renewal
Sham Shui Po is disappearing before our eyes. 7,000 evicted, 500 shops closed, 187
Tong Lau (Chinese tenement building) demolished, 5,414 sub-divided flats removed
and their 13,265 residents up-rooted...
As one of the oldest Hong Kong communities with a large concentration of grassroot
and Tong Lau culture, it is rapidly being wiped out by the bulldozers of Urban
Renewal Authority.
A multimedia exhibition on the Numerous Faces and Facets of Sham Shui Po, organised
by Sham Shui Po Cultural Hall, due to be shut down by 9 August, is exposing this
brutal reality. A guided tour led by Yuen Chi Yan is in progress.
Sham Shui Po · Hong Kong | 2014
10 August 2014

Original Victorian Floor Tiles
Tai O Lookout, the restaurant at the Tai O Heritage Hotel, is well designed with
a glass roof-top together with the original eloquent Victorian floor tiles,
offering both local and western cuisine.
Dishes prepared with the renowned shrimp paste made locally in Tai O Village
recommended. The Tai O Heritage Hotel represents the architectural charm of
the late 19th century, preserving the original beauty of the Old Tai O
Police Station on Lantao Island.
Tai O · Lantao Island · Hong Kong | 2014
9 August 2014

Tai O Heritage Hotel
UNESCO-awarded boutique Tai O Heritage Hotel is brilliantly restored from the
Old Tai O Police Station. Built by the British in 1902, the building is
a Grade II historic site, and one of the earliest police stations in
the New Territories.
Situated on a small hill next to the Tai O ferry pier on Lantao Island, its
architecture is quintessentially colonial, with Western arches combined
with Chinese tiled roof.
Tai O · Lantao Island · Hong Kong | 2014
8 August 2014

Mongolian Linda Loves Freedom
Huirong Li from Hohhot, Inner Mongolia loves the freedom she experienced while
visiting Hong Kong. Huirong resents that she was forced to adopt a Han Chinese
name and attend Chinese school when she was young. She rebels by adopting a
Christian name, Linda.
Thanks to Mao's social engineering, 80% of Inner Mongolia is Han Chinese. That's
the fundamental Chinese policy towards its ethnic minority population --
forced integration by moving more Han Chinese into the minority regions.
"To say that most Mongolians' feelings towards China borders on racism and hatred
would not be an overstatement. And I believe that the Chinese do not help mend the
fence any better by claiming that Inner Mongolians are happy being a part of China
and that Mongolia should come join the party, in both senses of the word."
- Bilguun Munkhjargal, The Asia Mag
Central · Hong Kong | 2014
7 August 2014

Young Dwellers of Illegal Rooftop Slum
5 year-old So Wai Yee lives with her two sisters in their cramped and illegal
rooftop shack on an industrial building in Kwun Tong.
Wai Yee is most scared of the junkies on the stairwells or the rats that run
around her building. Tens of thousands live in illegal huts on the rooftop of
buildings, with unsanitary conditions, highlighting Hong Kong's wealth divide.
Kwun Tong · Hong Kong | 2014
6 August 2014

Dweller of Illegal Rooftop Slum
Mr C, a recent immigrant from Mainland China and would rather remain anonymous,
takes a breather outside his scorchingly hot, cramped and illegal rooftop
dwelling on an industrial building, in sharp contrast with modern
skyscrappers in the background in Kwun Tong.
In Hong Kong, limited space and sky high rents have forced many to seek
alternative housing, like living in illegal huts on top of buildings. An
estimated tens of thousands are living in such slums in the old Kowloon
districts of Sham Shui Po, Kwun Tong, and Tai Kok Tsui, under constant
fear of eviction and fire hazard.
Kwun Tong · Hong Kong | 2014
5 August 2014

Mourning the Closure of The House News
Samson Chan mourns, with other concerned Hong Kong citizens at Government HQ, the
sudden closure of The House News, a pro-democracy news website and blog founded
in July 2012, just in time to cover extensively government plan to introduce
patriotic national education in schools, a project seen by many as pro-Beijing
brainwashing and was withdrawn with very strong opposition from the community.
Co-founder Tony Tsoi said that under Hong Kong's current political environment it's
not only difficult, but terrifying to lead a normal life and run a normal media
outlet, also citing falling revenue due to political pressure on advertisers.
Prominent bloggers of the highly popular news site is planning the re-birth of
The House News Bloggers Group.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
4 August 2014

Civil Disobedience Affirmed
Hundreds gathered outside the police headquarters in Wanchai yesterday to demonstrate
their commitment to peaceful civil disobedience. The protesters included many of the
511 who were arrested following the Chater Road sit-in after the July 1 Rally.
The Civil Human Rights Front organised the rally to inform the public of their
peaceful intentions and to reject claims that the Occupy Central movement is violent.
Wanchai · Hong Kong | 2014
3 August 2014

Abandoned Village of Ma Wan
Once home to 800 villagers with some in stilt houses on the bay, Ma Wan fishing village
is now a ghost town. Unlike most of Hong Kong’s rural abandoned corners, the residents
here were evicted by the government in 2011 – some of them unwillingly - to give way
to Park Island residential estate development.
The island has a long history, in fact dating back to Neolithic times, but much of that
has been swallowed in recent years by the ever hungry need for change and urban
development. Complete Neolithic human skeletal remains were found in tombs at
Tung Wan Tsai in 1997. Ching Ma Bridge linking Kowloon with Lantau Island
provides a dramtic background.
Ma Wan · Hong Kong | 2014
2 August 2014

Preserve Queen's Pier
Not even the historical landmarks in Hong Kong can face down developers. Queen's Pier,
where every new Governor of colonial Hong Kong landed to assume his duties after
appointment by the Queen, together with the iconic Star Ferry Pier and its clock
tower were scheduled for demolition to allow for reclamation in 2006.
The Star Ferry Pier in Edinburgh Place, Central was the flash point of the riots of
1966. 40 years later, conservationists known as Local Action, whose members
including Ho Loy pictured above, camped out at Queen's Pier for seven months
in confrontation with the government resulted in the forcible clearing by
the police on 1 August 2007.
Central · Hong Kong | 2007
1 August 2014
Click for more details of
at Queen's Pier incident.
Feb 2014
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