Jardine House Meets Exchange Square
The iconic Jardine House, with circular windows, meets
Exchange Square, which houses the Hong Kong
Stock Exchange, in Central.
Central · Hong Kong | 2017
30 Sep 2017

Umbrella Movement 3 Years On
Hundreds rally at Admiralty Occupy zone on Thursday three
years after Umbrella Movement, the most significant and
largest pro-democracy protest in Hong Kong.
At 5:58 pm, activists stand silently for 3 minutes holding up
yellow umbrellas, in the midst of simulated blast and smoke,
to commemorate the first firing of 87 tear gas canisters by
the police at the exact time.
The Occupy Central trio - Benny Tai, Chan Kin-man and
Reverand Chu Yiu-ming - address the crowd while the
student leaders of the Umbrella Movement - Joshua
Wong, Alex Chow and Nathan Law are in jail.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2017
29 Sep 2017

My news report and more photos on the
Front Page News of Award-winning International Newswire

Kat Aklysm Sings
Kat Aklysm from Cape Town, lead singer for the band 'Roar',
performs at the Happy Wednesday Boomerang Party at the
racecourse in Happy Valley.
Happy Valley · Hong Kong | 2017
28 Sep 2017

Akihiro Jumps
Hyper-active 20 year-old Akihiro jumps over a structure at the
Forest of Cherry Trees at Moerenuma Park, which is designed by
Japanese-American artist Isamu Noguchi as a work of sculpture art.
The park was reborn from a waste disposal site and transformed
into an art park representative of Sapporo over 23 years. It won
a number of awards including the Good Design Award in 2002.
Sapporo · Hokkaido · Japan | 2017
27 Sep 2017

International Art Festial
A lady admires while inside the art installation titled 'Climbing
Time/Falling Time', a balloon-like structure by Matsui Shiro
exploring the mysterious effects gained through expanding
and inverting our sense of time and space.
The installation is part of the Sapporo International Art Festial
at the atrium of the Glass Pyramid at Moerenuma-koen
Sculpture Park, through 1 October.
Sapporo · Hokkaido · Japan | 2017
26 Sep 2017

Four Seasons Flower Gardens
Shikisai-no-oka (Four Seasons) flower park provides
spectacular views across seven hectares of land on
Oka-no-machi Biei, a scenic town on a hill.
From April to October, it is carpeted with flowers
such as tulip,lupine, lavender, salvia, sunflower,
dahlia and Japanese anemone depending on the season.
Biei · Hokkaido · Japan | 2017
25 Sep 2017

Fall Colours at Kogen Onsen
Stunning fall colours at Kogen Onsen (Highland Hot Spring), at
1260 meters above sea level, which is a small and remote base
on the eastern Daisetsuzan National Park, Hokkaido, Japan.
It consists of just a single accommodation with hot spring baths
and is connected to the main road by a ten kilometer, unpaved
road. A circular hiking trail through a pond dotted highland
with some of the most spectacular autumn colours in all of Japan.
Kogen Onsen · Hokkaido · Japan | 2017
24 Sep 2017

Fall Colours
Spectacular fall colours at Sounkyo Onsen, a hot spring resort
town in northern Daisetsuzan National Park, Hokkaido, Japan.
It is located in a scenic, narrow gorge that is flanked by
100 metre high forested cliffs.
Sounkyo · Hokkaido · Japan | 2017
23 Sep 2017

Otaru Canal at Dusk
A walk along the Otaru Canal at dusk, when the gas lamps
light up, is a magical experience. It is a 1,140 meter-long
canal located in Otaru, Hokkaido. Completed in 1923, the
canal used to be a place where many ships were unloaded
by hand, the area declined after World War II.
Otaru · Hokkaido · Japan | 2017
22 Sep 2017

Black Slide Mantra
Made out of black granite, Black Slide Mantra is a sculpted
work by Isamu Noguchi, at Odori Park in Sapporo, Hokkaido,
Japan. This black form shines in snowy Sapporo, and it is
not just a work of art with graceful curves, but also a
slide loved by the city’s citizens.
Sapporo · Hokkaido · Japan | 2017
21 Sep 2017

Sapporo Station
Wind of the shepherds, a group of bronze statutes, stands
in front of Sapporo Station, the starting point and
terminus for the limited expresses of JR (Japan
Rail) Hokkaido.
Sapporo · Hokkaido · Japan | 2017
20 Sep 2017

Street Art by Cath Love
Street art by graffiti artist Catherine Grossrieder, aka
Cath Love, who was engrossed with the world of hip hop
aesthetics as an adolescent in Hong Kong. Born to
Swiss-Thai parents, she first became curious about the
countercultural medium of graffiti on summer trips
visiting her grandmother in Switzerland.
Central · Hong Kong | 2017
19 Sep 2017

Staircase Art
Colourful butterflies flutter among trees and flowers on
the staircase on Wood Road, by Art Dreamers, transforming
a plain Wanchai neighbourhood into a lively community.
Wanchai · Hong Kong | 2017
18 Sep 2017

Classic Folding Shutter
A classic metal folding shutter used by Nam Loong Bing Sutt
(South Dragon Ice Room), a traditional tea house in the
1950-60's era that came long before Cha Chaan Teng.
Traditional metal folding shutters are used to provide security
and privacy for shops with a perforated design to facilitate
airflow and ventilation. They are commonly used by traditional
shops in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.
Causeway Bay · Hong Kong | 2017
17 Sep 2017

Blessing the Communities
Taoist priests visit neighbourhoods and perform ceremonies
to bless the communities during the Hungry Ghost (Yulan)
Festival celebrations organised by the 30-House
Association on Thursday.
The Yulan Festival is celebrated on the seventh lunar
month, when restless spirits roam the earth, according
to traditional Chinese belief. Many Chinese communities
make efforts to appease these transient ghosts.
Central · Hong Kong | 2017
16 Sep 2017

Blessing Ancestors
Taoist priests perform ceremonies to bless ancestors
during the Hungry Ghost (Yulan) Festival celebrations
organised by the 30-House Association on Thursday.
The Yulan Festival is celebrated on the seventh lunar
month, when restless spirits roam the earth, according
to traditional Chinese belief. Many Chinese communities
make efforts to appease these transient ghosts.
Central · Hong Kong | 2017
15 Sep 2017

Burn the Ghost King
The 10-metre tall Ghost King, aka King of Hell and made of
colourful paper and bamboo, being the signature figure of
Yulan (Hungry Ghost) Festival is burnt to ashes on the
last day of the celebration in Causeway Bay on Wednesday.
The Yulan Festival is celebrated on the seventh lunar
month, when restless spirits roam the earth, according
to traditional Chinese belief. Many Chinese communities
make efforts to appease these transient ghosts.
Causeway Bay · Hong Kong | 2017
14 Sep 2017

Getting Ready
Ah Hui from Chiuchow, Guangdong, China is getting ready
backstage for his Chinese opera performance at the Yulan
(Hungry Ghost) Festival celebrations in Causeway Bay.
The Yulan Festival is celebrated on the seventh lunar
month, when restless spirits roam the earth, according
to traditional Chinese belief. Many Chinese communities
make offerings to appease these transient ghosts.
Causeway Bay · Hong Kong | 2017
13 Sep 2017

Relieving Suffering
Taoist priests perform ceremonies to relieve ghosts from
suffering during the Hungry Ghost (Yulan) Festival
celebrations in Causeway Bay.
The Yulan Festival is celebrated on the seventh lunar
month, when restless spirits roam the earth, according
to traditional Chinese belief. Many Chinese communities
make efforts to appease these transient ghosts.
Causeway Bay · Hong Kong | 2017
12 Sep 2017

Fiona stands at the western shore of Hong Kong Island
near Sai Wan Swimming Shed with crashing waves.
In 1950s and 60s, swimming sheds were built along the
sea shore, where locals would enjoy a dip in the open
water. Sai Wan is the only swim shed remaining in
Hong Kong, dating back to the 50s.
Kennedy Town · Hong Kong | 2017
11 Sep 2017

Canton Express
'Skimming Over the Surface' by Chinese photographer Yang Yong
is part of 'Canton Express' exhibition at the M+ Pavilion at
West Kowloon Cultural District, through 10 September.
Yang uses a combination of film stills, commercial shots and
instant photographs to create a unique artistic style. This
restaging of the 50th Venice Biennale in 2003, showcasing
Cantonese contemporary artists from the Pearl River Delta
region — the frontier of China's urbanization, modernization,
industrialization and globalization since the 1980s.
West Kowloon · Hong Kong | 2017
10 Sep 2017

Chinese Screen
A delicately-carved traditional wooden Chinese screen is
used as part of the facade to a restaurant in Wanchai.
Wanchai · Hong Kong | 2017
9 Sep 2017

Kristopher Ho at Mark6
Kristopher Ho, aka kristopherh, Hong Kong street artist
and his work - 'Life not expected to be understood' at Mark6,
a pop-up exhibition organised by HKWalls and District15.
Mark6 is a pop-up show at the art space of Yat Fu Lane
featuring six local Hong Kong street artists - Bao Ho,
KristopherH, Onion Peterman, Sinic Choy, Wong Ting Fung
and Xeme on Thursday.
Western · Hong Kong | 2017
8 Sep 2017

Chiuchowese Opera
Chiuchowese opera performance at Yulan (Hungry Ghost)
Festival in Kowloon City with performers from
Mainland China.
The Yulan Festival is celebrated on the seventh lunar
month, when restless spirits roam the earth, according
to traditional Chinese belief. Many Chinese communities
make efforts to appease these transient ghosts.
Kowloon City · Hong Kong | 2017
7 Sep 2017

Kate Brooks Premieres 'The Last Animals'
Kate Brooks, US-based director and producer, kicks-off the
première screening of the award-winning wildlife documentary
'The Last Animals', in association with WildAid, at the
University of Hong Kong on Tuesday.
The documentary follows the conservationists, scientists and
activists battling poachers and transnational trafficking
syndicates to protect elephants and rhinos from extinction.
Pokfulam · Hong Kong | 2017
6 Sep 2017

Observation Wheel in Jeopardy
Hong Kong’s Observation Wheel could be closed for up to two
years amid payment dispute between TECL, the new operator
which was only established last Nov with $1 capital and
its predecessor, Swiss AEX, which had contributed to
the sudden recent shutdown and will keep the popular
tourist attraction from running.
The Chinese character for 'jeopardy' was seen on the Observation
Wheel, reflecting the current uncertain and undesirable situation.
Central · Hong Kong | 2017
5 Sep 2017

Butterfly Mural
The street art mural at Percival Street footbridge, by artist
Stanley Yung, showcases the emergence of a beautiful butterfly
from a pupa, a stunning process that demonstrates the wonder
of life. A butterfly goes through 4 life stages: egg,
caterpillar, pupa and adult.
Causeway Bay · Hong Kong | 2017
4 Sep 2017

Butterfly X Street Art
Butterflies turn into cute tigers, don disguises as small Chinese
white cabbages in vegetable fields, and dress up as beaming
festive dolls... Yarn bombing by artist la Belle Époque
transforms Lee Tung Avenue into a fairytale butterfly kingdom.
Wanchai · Hong Kong | 2017
3 Sep 2017

Hungry Ghost Festival
Taoist priests perform a blessing ceremony on the opening of
Yulan (Hungry Ghost) Cultural Festial, on Friday at Victoria
Park, which will last through 3 September.
The Yulan Festival falls on the 15th day of the seventh lunar
month, when restless spirits roam the earth, according to
traditional Chinese belief. Many Chinese people make
efforts to appease these transient ghosts, while
'feeding' their own ancestors.
Causeway Bay · Hong Kong | 2017
2 Sep 2017

Central by Night
The view of Central Business District of Hong Kong by night
near Jardine House.
Central · Hong Kong | 2017
1 Sep 2017
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