Deserted Spooky School from 1950s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village school.
The school was founded in 1913 as a village school and moved into this campus in 1953.
It consists of 2 buildings and the main one has 2-storeys. The other building with 3
music rooms is up the slope. Furniture has been mostly cleared. A couple of
skeletons are found.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2021
31 Oct 2023

Deserted Village Mansion
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village mansion.
The mansion has 2 storeys with tiled exterior and balconies. It belongs
to Mr Wong who was Chairman of the village office and was awarded MBE.
There are turquoise colour sofas, a sewing machine and altars.
Apparently, it has been deserted since 2001. Furniture and
personal items are scattered throughout the house.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
30 Oct 2023

Deserted Ex-British Barracks
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted senior homes.
This site was formerly a British Army Married Quarters and Gurhka Army
Barracks. It already existed on a 1952 map. In 1998, the government
leased 16 of the buildings on short-term leases and were converted
into several different senior homes. The previously white exteriors
were painted pink and some beige.
They are 2-storey buildings consisting a total of 88 units with 1,190
sq ft each. It is being demolished in 2 stages. The first stage was
completed in 2018 and the second stage in 2023 is now in
progress. Furniture and personal items are scattered throughout.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
29 Oct 2023

Deserted Catholic Mission Centre
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted Catholic mission centre.
Built in 1935, the building served as the local headquarters of priests, and
also as a rest house and a language school for priests who were going
to preach in China. During WWII, the property was occupied by the
Japanese. After the war, its functions were restored, and also a refuge
after China expelled missionaries in 1949.
It was declared a Grade I historic building in the 1990s. In 2016, the house
was sold and became deserted since. There are plans to redevelop
the property for residential use while retaining some historical
architectural elements.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
28 Oct 2023

Deserted Monastery in the Hills
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted monastery.
The monastery is located in a popular area in the hills. The design of the
building is distinctive. Apparently, it has been deserted since 2014,
Furniture and personal items are scattered throughout.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
27 Oct 2023

Dolls @ Deserted Village
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village.
There are a few houses in the village in the hills. Many raggedy dolls are found.
Furniture and personal items are scattered throughout.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
26 Oct 2023

Pavilion at West Kowloon Art District
The Pavilion is the winning design of the Hong Kong Architects & Designers
Competition 2017. Titled “Growing Up”, the Competition Pavilion was
designed by Paul Tse and Evelyn Ting of New Office Works. Located
on the waterfront promenade, the timber pavilion offers sweeping views
of the sunset over Victoria Harbour. Open to the public 6:00am-11:00pm daily.
West Kowloon . Hong Kong | 2023
25 Oct 2023

Deserted Police Quarters
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted police quarters.
The quarters are located on an uninhabited island. There are 5 buildings
in the compound. Furniture and fixtures are mostly cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
24 Oct 2023

Deserted Western-style Villa
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted western-style villa.
The 2-storey Western-style villa was completed in 1966 with a swimming pool in the garden
at the back, occupying 40,000 sq ft. The mansion has been abandoned for many years.
The interior is dilapidated with trees and vines growing outside the house. Furniture and personal
items have been cleared. It became a playground for graffiti artists, notably @Szabotage, and wargamers.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
23 Oct 2023

Deserted Beached Sailing Yacht
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted sailing yacht.
The sailing yacht has been beached after a recent Typhoon. The steering
wheel and rudder have been damaged and therefore it is not easy
to salvage.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except pictures, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
22 Oct 2023

Deserted WWII British Intelligence Centre
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted British intelligence centre.
The inside of the building was completely stripped, with the walls bare
and ground strewn w
mm Sith miscellaneous objects like office chairs and fire
extinguishers. Windows w ere fitted with metal bars. Graffiti is found
on walls and the rooftop.
From Intelligence Report dated 14 Sept 1945, in UK National Archive, ref: WO 208/750A:
'An Air Intelligence Unit (radio location) 113 strong is at the top of the
mountain. The road leading to it is nearly 9 miles long. Construction started
in Jan 1944 and with camp buildings was finished in Aug 1944. 3 companies
of Japanese Engineers from Canton with 800 coolies were employed.
The rains necessitate frequent repair as the road is not surfaced.
The main installation of 1 transmitter and 4 receivers is serviceable. Each
receiver searches a 90° arc. The power is supplied by a 75W 200 Volt AC
diesel driven generator.'
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
21 Oct 2023

Deserted Monastery at Upscale District
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted monastery.
The monastery is located in an upscale district with expansive seaview.
A reflecting pool is located at the centre of the hall inside. There are
numerous stone statues of dieties and Buddha. Strangely, a western
style statue of a man is also found.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
20 Oct 2023

Deserted Water Filtration Plant
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted water filtration plant.
The plant compound covers an area of 1 hectare. It has ceased
operation in 2003 and only used as a
warehouse. The water breeds
mosquitoes and little activities have been observed there.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
19 Oct 2023

Red Lanterns
Numerous red lanterns hanging above the pedestrian walkway in Central.
Hong Kong | 2023

Deserted Temple for the Stars
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted temple for the rich and famous.
The 2-storey building was built on a site of 14,265 sq ft. It has a unique
Chinese-style design with unusual red brick motifs on the facade and detailed
reliefs decorating the exterior walls plus Chinese style ceramic roof tiles.
It appears to be a mansion, mainly used for residential purposes. The ornate
entranceway, the classical spiral staircase and the size of the rooms
within all seem to be conspicuous displays of wealth. It was used as the
headquarters of a movie house in the 1980s which went out of business in 1991.
It was then turned into a plush karaoke lounge with a dramatic history. In
1995 it was converted into a temple and followers included many movie stars
and wealthy people. It was known as the "Temple for the Stars". It was closed
in 1999 and became deserted since.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
17 Oct 2023

Deserted Village Mansion
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village mansion.
The 2-storey mansion is hidden in the woods. A fireplace is located on each floor. Many
graffiti have been painted on the walls inside and out by prominent street artist Germs
from Los Angeles. Apparently, it has been deserted since 2014. Furniture and
personal items are scattered throughout the building.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
16 Oct 2023

Deserted Village Mansion
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village mansion.
The mansion has 2 storeys with a wooden stair on the first floor that offers
access to the attic. A large swimming pool sits in front. It used to
have chockful of newsapers, magazines and catalogues from the 1960s.
Furniture and personal items were scattered throughout the house,
including a bird cage, an old TV and a typewriter. Now, it has
been completely cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
15 Oct 2023

Deserted Nunnery
An avid urban explorer ventures into an deserted nunnery.
The 2-storey nunnery has a balcony and a shrine on the first floor. Part of
the roof has collapsed. It has been deserted for a while. Furniture and
personal items have been mostly cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
14 Oct 2023

Stairway to Heaven
7:34 am 9 Sep 2023 #HongKong #China
#StairwayToHeaven by @phyang81
as part of the #24hourproject to support and raise fund for #CamerasForGirls
for more information visit @24hourproject
#24hr23 #24hr23_HK #24hr23_HongKong #24hr23_China
#Tsimshatsui #Waterfront
Hong Kong | 2022
13 Oct 2023

Deserted Senior Home
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted senior home.
There are multiple buildings and one of them was a senior home with partitioned cubicles.
This site has been abandoned for a while. Personal belongings and furniture are
scattered throughout the buildings, and graffiti is on many walls including
the rooftop. It is a favourite ground for war games enthusiasts.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
12 Oct 2023

Desire to Fly Exhibition at Airside
Airside: Hong Kong’s newest mall built on the site of the historic Kai Tak
Airport, opened on 28 September. It is spread over 700,000 sq ft and
has around 40 restaurants and a 900-seat movie theatre.
An aviation-themed ‘Up in Airside’ campaign, which features an interactive
exhibition called ‘Desire to Fly’. The centrepiece is the specially curated
Idea Cloud on the second floor atrium that extends to the Gate33
gallery on the third floor.
The exhibition showcases a collection of historical aviation artefacts and
personal collections contributed by seasoned aviators, including flight
logbooks, photographs of the former airport, travel posters, flight
maps, old boarding passes and more. Admission free.
Hong Kong | 2023

Flag & Mural in Semi-Deserted Building
An avid urban explorer ventures into a semi-deserted building right in a busy city centre.
Completed in 1979, the 12-storey building with 1 basement level, once the tallest in the city,
is located in its busiest part. 3 of the largest department stores, a movie theatre, a KTV on
the 12th floor, offices... were all there. But with the decline of the the business district, the
department stores and commercial firms have also come to an end.
A flag and mural is found on a room at the rooftop. Apparently, most of
the building has been deserted since 2002. Currently, only one shop is
Still operating in the basement.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Taiwan | 2022
10 Oct 2023

Deserted Village House
An avid urban explorer ventures into deserted village houses.
There are 2 houses in the compound, located in the woods with access path
blocked by fallen trees after a typhoon. The main house is in reasonable
condition with framed photos of family members on the wall. The second
house is in a rundown condition with a bunk bed and a broken sewing
machine outside. Broken canoes are scattered.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
9 Oct 2023

Deserted Most Haunted School
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted school known to be most haunted.
The 2-storey building is designed in a 'U' shape with the hall in the centre. The 2 wings
are classrooms and the open space in the middle is a basketball court. The primary school
was founded in 1931 and moved to the current site in 1974. It was then closed in 1998
due to insufficient enrollment and has been left deserted. There are lots of graffiti
Part of the building has been entangled by tree roots.
Surrounded by many graves, the school has been selected by the National Geographic Channel
as one of Asia's 10 scariest places. There have been spooky rumours over the years - that
the headmistress, dressed in red, hung herself in the boys' toilet. It was also said that
during the Japanese occupation, massacres were carried out in the area, the bodies were
buried in the hillside and turned into a mass grave. It has been rented out for a movie
set with some markings on the wall in 1950s style remaining.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave
no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
8 Oct 2023

Deserted Waterfront Village House
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village house.
The village house is located at the waterfront and is a sad state of disrepair.
The balcony and its pillars have partially collapsed. The window frames
are rusted and some have fallen. Furniture and fixtures are mostly cleared.
There are 2 barking dogs.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
7 Oct 2023

Exploring Deserted Police Station.
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted police station.
The police station was built in 1962 to replace an earlier one.
Strategically located at the top of a small hill overlooking
the surrounding area, it was an outpost and operational base
of the Hong Kong police to keep watch on illegal immigration
for decades. In 2000 the station was closed and the site was
deserted. It was rated as Grade III historic building in 2014.
It is an utilitarian building of the 1960s, 3 storeys high concrete
beamed split level built to a U-shaped plan. There are offices, cells
and toilets with metal grille and window shutters on some of the windows.
There are two circular watch towers at the roof level, which are the
signature feature. The former staff called them “gun batteries”.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
6 Oct 2023

Exploring Deserted Bungalows at Mid-Levels
An avid urban explorer ventures into deserted bungalows at Mid-levels.
The compound includes 2 bungalows, built around 1950 and 1980 respectively. One building has
1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. The other has a very large living room, 2 small bedrooms and an
outside kitchen. Between them is a large, flat garden. Each building has big glass windows
that face onto the garden.
2 distinguished artists had lived there and it had been something of an artistic rendezvous point
for artists in the 70s and 80s. They became deserted after the owner emigrated in 1992.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
5 Oct 2023

Deserted Century-old Ancestral Hall
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted ancestral hall.
Built in 1919, the 2-storey ancestral hall was constructed with blue
bricks by local workers and builders from Guangzhou and Swatow.
It has symmetrical side chambers with a circular entrance portal. Stained-
glass windows are used above the doors to the main hall. It has been
deserted for a while and furniture has been mostly cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
4 Oct 2023

Deserted Haunted Theatre
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted theatre.
The cinema opened in 1978, but due to persistent shortage of audience, it was closed in
1987 and has been deserted for 36 years. The interior of the cinema is dark and quite
spooky. It is said to be one of the top 10 most haunted places in Hong Kong.
In 2010, a police officer discovered that a man had hanged himself in the cinema.
It is rumoured that the officer heard the sound of footsteps, went inside to check,
and unexpectedly discovered the body. Since then, there have been claims that residents
and tourists passing by have heard faint footsteps from inside the cinema.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave
no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
3 Oct 2023

Mid-levels Estate Oddly Abandoned for 30 Years
An avid urban explorer ventures into an abandoned housing estate.
In the high-end residential area of Mid-Levels in Hong Kong, there is a group
of two 4-storey, 72-unit units, which have been vacant for over 30 years and
uninhabited for unknown reasons. It is rumoured to be a haunted house.
This building looks special. But owing to a lack of maintenance and being
uninhabited, the wall tiles are falling off, parts of the wooden floors
are missing, and it is becoming increasingly run-down.
It is ironic that in Hong Kong where accommodation is the most expensive
in the world, some people have no house to live in, and there are vacant
houses uninhabited.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave
no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
2 Oct 2023

Deserted Century-old Hakka House
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted Hakka house.
Constructed in 1910, the oldest house in the village still survives today.
It is a 2-storey Hakka building. The door of the main entrance was engraved
with the name. It was once used as a church and rated a Grade I
historic building.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave
no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2023
1 Oct 2023
Jan 2023
Jan 2022
Jan 2021
Jan 2020
Jan 2019
Jan 2018
Jan 2017
Jan 2016
Jan 2015
Feb 2014
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