I Want Real Universal Suffrage
Mr Lee holds up a placard reading: 'I Want Real Universal Suffrage' at the
intersection of Nathan road and Argyle Street in Mongkok, one of the
busiest thorougfare in Hong Kong, in front of the barricades between
the police and the protesters.
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Mongkok · Hong Kong | 2014
31 October 2014

What CY Leung Deserves?
A huge banner of CY Leung, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Government, with a noose
around his head, hangs above the thousands of protesters demonstrating at
'Umbrella Plaza' at Admiralty Occupy zone. This reflects the popularity
of Leung, which is at a record low of 38.6% - way below the passing grade
of 50%, according of the latest chinese University poll in September.
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
30 October 2014

Umbrella Movement Still Going Strong One Month On
Thousands rally at Admiralty Occupy zone in Hong Kong, now dubbed 'Umbrella Square',
at 5:58 pm standing silently for 87 seconds, holding up umbrellas to commemorate
the firing of 87 tear gas canisters at protesters by police a month ago at
the exact time. Similar gathering are also held at Mongkok and Causeway
Bay Occupy zones.
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
29 October 2014

Protesters Use Umbrella to Message Police
'Dear police, don't use violence, democracy is good to you too' is a message
written on a yellow umbrella at Mongkok Occupy zone where frequent clashes
occur between protesters and the police.
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Mongkok · Hong Kong | 2014
28 October 2014

Lee Yee Loves My Occupy Photos
Senior political commentator Lee Yee visits my Photo Exhibition 'Hong Kong
Stands Up' on Occupy Central and Umbrella Movement and savours my
documentary photography. He is especially appalled by the images of
the peaceful protesters being tear-gassed. This is his first
visit to the Admiralty Occupy zone.
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
27 October 2014

'TankMan' at Occupy Admiralty
23 year-old Gladys stands in front of the 'Tank', an art installation set up
by Miso Zo, a pseudonym of a New York artist and a survivor of Tiananmen
Massacre in 1989. It is a symbol of peace, made up of a tent and over
400 water bottles for its gun and tracks, with a bouquet of lily and
chrysanthemum in the gun.
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
26 October 2014

Helicopter Scrambled to Remove Giant Pro-democracy Banner
A giant pro-democracy banner reading 'I Want Real Universal Suffrage' (in Chinese)
'Umbrella Movement' measuring 6 x 28 metres was hung from the top of the famous
Lion Rock by a rock-climing group named 'The Hong Kong Spidie' after Spiderman.
24 hours later, firemen and civil aid servicemen were dispatched in helicopters
and the banner was removed to the disappointment of numerous Occupy protesters
who climbed to the top of the mountain to admire the work. The iconic image
will live forever in the heart and mind of most people in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Kowloon · Hong Kong | 2014
25 October 2014

Occupy Leaders Announce Poll at 'Umbrella Plaza'
Student and Occupy leaders are planning a vote to be held on Sunday on government’s
reform proposals at 'Umbrella Plaza' in the Harcourt Road Admiralty Occupy zone.
Occupy Central co-founder Benny Tai says they want to get a strong endorsement
from the people through the poll - 'fighting for democracy via a democratic
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
24 October 2014

Fist Swung at Mongkok
A man in red attempted to attack protesters at Mongkok Occupy zone with a pointed
pole but was subdued by the protesters. The trouble-maker fell and hurt himself
on the forehead and lip but still tried to hit protesters with his fist. He was
later isolated by the police and got onto an ambulance. No arrest was apparent.
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Mongkok · Hong Kong | 2014
23 October 2014

Thousands Watch Live Broadcast of Talk
Admiralty Occupy zone was jam-packed with protesters watching the live broadcast, on
three giant screens, of the talk between Hong Kong Federation of Students and the
government held at the Academy of Medicine at Wong Chuk Hang. At the end, the
protesters refused to end the sit-in as the government did not make any
significant concession.
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
22 October 2014

Riot Gear Ready at Mongkok Occupy
Massive police is deployed at Mongkok with riot gear ready at the intersection of
Nathan road and Argyle Street, one of the busiest thorougfare in Hong Kong,
against the thousands of Occupy protesters who are taking over the section of
Nathan Road between Argyle Street and Dandas Street plus some side streets.
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Mongkok · Hong Kong | 2014
21 October 2014

Mainlander Wang Supports Occupy
Mr Wang from Shandong comes to Admiralty to show his support for Occupy Central.
He carries an umbrella reading "support Hong Kong's fight for genuine suffrage
today and for Mainland tomorrow. Long live Hong Kong students and citizens."
Hong Kong Stands Up Photo Exhibition on-going
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
20 October 2014

Carmen Savours Occupy Photos
Carmen really enjoys my photo exhibition 'Hong Kong Stands Up' on Occupy Central
and Umbrella Movement after a friend's referral. This is the first time she sets
foot at the Admiralty Occupy zone and is amazed by the peaceful and orderliness
of the protesters, which is quite different from the clashes she saw on TV.
Hong Kong Stands Up
We Are Making History
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
19 October 2014

Swedes Fascinated by Occupy Photo Exhibition
My photo exhibition 'Hong Kong Stands Up' on Occupy Central and Umbrella Movement
opens to a great reception with hundreds of visitors. A Swedish contignent is
fascinated by the images and events leading to the current Occupy. Many visitors
share their experience as the photos jog their memory, especially on 28 Sep
when 87 tear gas canisters were hurled towards the unarmed and generally
peaceful protesters.
Hong Kong Stands Up
We Are Making History
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
18 October 2014

Hong Kong Stands Up - Photo Exhibition
My photo exhibition on Occupy Central and Umbrella Movement opens yesterday
spanning the history of the greatest social movement of Hong Kong, the
tear-gassing of the unarmed and peaceful protesters, the rise of 'Umbrella
Man', the students and Occupy leaders and the heroic occupiers who stands
up to Beijing to fight for democracy and genuine universal suffrage.
Hong Kong Stands Up
We Are Making History
Admiralty Occupy Zone
(Harcourt Road x Tim Mei Rd - Next to Democracy Classroom)
October 2014 until End of Occupy - Open 24 Hours
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
17 October 2014

No Man Land
Stephanie Rigot from Paris ponders at the surreal empty highway leading to
Admiralty which is usually jam-packed with cars. Protesters has blocked
Harcourt Road, the main highway linking Central with Wanchai, and turned
it into an Occupy zone with thousands of people and hundreds of tents.
Meanwhile, 5 Hong Kong policemen and 2 inspectors were caught on TV violently
beating for 4 minutes an already handcuffed protester at Tamar Park during a
clash overnight. The shocking police brutality towards an unarmed and restrained
protester has created an uproar worldwide.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
16 October 2014

My Umbrella vs the Riot Police
Ms Chan, one of the peaceful Occupy protesters, faces off the massive police
deployed with riot gear to clear the barricades on Queensway, Admiralty,
armed only with a face mask and an umbrella against the potential
deployment of pepper spray or tear gas.
Hundreds of police with chain-saws tore down the barricades setup by protesters
on Queensway, Admiralty at 10 am within 2 hours. Earlier, police also took down
protesters' blockades in Causeway Bay at at pre-dawn strike at 5:30 am. The
peaceful protesters offered no resistence.
Meantime, the Joshua Wong 'Umbrella Man' banner has mysteriously disappeared
within 12 hours of my posting below.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
15 October 2014

Happy Birthday Joshua
Joshua Wong, convenor of Scholarism, the high school activist group, dubbed
'the face of protest' in Hong Kong by a recent Time Magazine cover story,
turns 18 yesterday.
Joshua is portraited as 'Umbrella Man' in superhero regalia on a hugh banner
hanging on the pedestrian overpass at Admiralty, symbolic of the role he
plays in the current Occupy movement. Protesters sang 'happy birthday' to
him when Joshua turned up to speak at the rally last night.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
14 October 2014

Tent City Admiralty
Lots and lots of tents has sprung up at Admiralty as the number grows substantially
in the last 48 hours after student leaders called for 'long-term Occupy'. An
estimated 700 tents has been pitched with thousands staying overnight.
The Admiralty Occupy zone has grown into a mini-settlement with shower rooms,
lectures by professors, self-study area with tables and chairs, free tutoriing
for many subjects, library, rest areas with shades, free food and drinks,
recycling teams, numerous art installations... Similarly for Mongkok and
Causeway Bay to a lesser degree.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
13 October 2014

Kristen Joins Long-term Occupy
21 year-old university student Kristen Yeung responded immediately to the student
leaders' call for 'long-term Occupy'. She bought a tent and pitched it at the
protest zone at Admiralty and is ready to occupy indefinitely.
The hugh banner in black at the back reads: 'government broke its promise' to
hold talks with the students. More protesters are staying overnight as many
tents are popping up in Admiralty, Mongkok and Causeway Bay.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
12 October 2014

Joshua Wong Calls for Long-term Occupy
Joshua Wong of Scholarism, Alex Chow and Lester Shum - Secretary-General of Hong
Kong Federation of Students and his deputy - called for 'long-term Occupy' when
an estimated 100,000 returned to the streets last night to protest government's
cancellation of talks with the students. Many stayed overnight as numerous
tents are popping up in Admiralty, Mongkok and Causeway Bay.
The student leaders and protesters were angry that despite their many concessions,
government gave none as chief executive CY Leung and chief secretary Carrie Lam,
are leaving the city for a regional forum in Guangzhou.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
11 October 2014

United Non-cooperation Called
Leaders of Occupy Central, Federation of Students and pan-democrat legislators
are united in calling for full-scale non-cooperation with the Hong Kong
government which did not offer any concession in the face of mass protest.
Benny Tai, co-founder of Occupy Central, said that the 'Occupy Movement' is
very important. It is a spontaneous and resolute act initiated by the
citizens to fight for genuine universal suffrage.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
10 October 2014

Blood Moon for Umbrella Movement
Occupy protesters on the streets of Admiralty were treated to a blood moon under
the yellow umbrella held by the world-famous 'Umbrella Man', the iconic symbol
of Occupy Central and the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong.
Occupiers and stargazers in Hong Kong witnessed a lunar eclipse on Wednesday,
a cosmic show that bathed the moon in a reddish hue to create a 'blood moon'
as it entered the earth's shadow.
This the second episode of a tetrad eclipse, with the first occurring on 15 April
this year. Tetrad means four consecutive total lunar eclipses with an interval
of six full moons. The remaining two episodes will occur on 4 April 2015 and
28 September 2015.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
9 October 2014

Joseph Lian Points the Way for Occupy Central
Joseph Lian, senior political commentator of Hong Kong Economic Journal, offered his
(in Chinese) on 'Post-Occupy-Central: The Way Out and Way Forward for Hong
Kong' at a University of Hong Kong forum overflowing audience last night.
With a metaphor of a game of Go (Encircling Game), Lian pointed out that the Occupy
is only the opening phase, the negotiation is the combative main game and the endgame
is nowhere near.
Lian called for a reboot of the political reform consultation and Hong Kong should
have the right of civil nomination, which is included in China's National People's
Congress election. For the prospect of brutal suppression, the government has to
weigh the potential loss and withdrawal of foreign and Mainland businesses.
Chinese 'red capital' constitutes 57% of total Hong Kong market capitalisation
at HK$13,690 Billion (US$1,765 Billion) at the end of 2013.
Pokfulam · Hong Kong | 2014
8 October 2014

Umbrella Man
The 'Umbrella Man' of Occupy Central in Hong Kong, immortallised on the cover of
Time magazine, has materialised at the centre of the protest zone at Admiralty
as a three-metre tall statute holding a yellow umbrella.
22 year-old artist, Milk, said he was inspired by a picture of an Occupy protester
holding an umbrella over a policeman to protect the officer from the rain and is
a symbol of peace.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
7 October 2014

Bringing Global Support to Occupy Central
Jason Lam and a group of Hong Kong artists have been projecting messages of support
from around the world for pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. People anywhere
can post messages at their Facebook page
Stand By You OC
which will be projected
onto the wall of the government headquarters at Admiralty, acting as a giant
screen, right at the heart of the protest zone. A media art project in
solidarity with the Occupy Central.
Occupy protesters and their supporters have also posted thousands of sticky
messages onto the 'Lennon Wall', named after the peace-loving musician,
just below the 'Stand By You' projection.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
6 October 2014

Occupy Central Not a Revolution
'This is not a colour revolution,' Benny Tai, co-founder of Occupy Central and the student
leaders told the massive gathering of supporters at Admiralty, the largest peaceful
rally since last Sunday when 87 tear gas canisters were hurled by the police in an
attempt to clear the crowd. It is a movement initiated by Hong Kong's civil society
to fight for genuine universal suffrage.
The peace rally is in response to the violent attacks by anti-occupy groups, including
suspected triad, on peaceful occupiers in Mongkok and Causeway Bay. Alex Chow,
Secretary-General of Hong Kong Federation of Students says they are willing to start
talks immediately if their conditions are met.
Tai says that a channel will be opened for civil servants to go back to work at
government headquarters on Monday so that there is no excuse for the police to clear
the occupy outside.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
5 October 2014

Violent Attacks on Umbrella Occupiers
Pro-Beijing anti-occupy groups, including suspected triad, clashed and violently attacked
peaceful occupy protesters in Mongkok and Causeway Bay last night. There were much
confusion and jostling as police did very little to control the situation.
In Mongkok, An occupy protester appealed for calm, holding up a sign that read: 'Umbrella
Revolution; Don't forget original cause [peaceful demonstration]; Save our Hong kong by
ourselves", while another protester observed the confrontation from a vantage point,
holding up a red umbrella.
Hong Kong Federation of Students called off talks with Chief Secretary Carrie Lam after
police and the government turned a blind eye to attacks on peaceful protesters by
suspected triad and pro-Beijing groups.
Mongkok · Hong Kong | 2014
4 October 2014

Creativity X Occupy Central = Umbrella Revolution
In the midst of riot police lobbing tear gas canisters at unarmed and generally peaceful protesters
many Hong Kong citizens are putting on their creative and artistic hats to design and put up
interesting art installations throughout the protest areas.
'Where is Genuine Suffrage Road', reads the road sign at Tim Mei Avenue next to the government
headquarters, a play on words as 'where' and 'road' in Cantonese dialect have nearly the same
pronunciation. Sitting next is an art installation of an umbrella tree mounted on four
barricades as the centrepiece symbol of Occupy Central, the civil disobedience movement
that had been dubbed the "Umbrella Revolution" by social media.
(See below and archives for details of Occupy Central.)
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
3 October 2014

Umbrella Revolution - Hong Kong's People Power
When 87 tear gas canisters were hurled towards the unarmed and generally peaceful protesters
in Hong Kong on Sunday, they had only their umbrellas to protect themselves. The tools they
brought along for protection against the sun had become an icon of 'People Power' symbolising
their protest against Beijing's reneged agreement to grant them open elections by 2017.
Tens of thousands of Hong Kong citizens continue to peacefully occupy Admiralty, Mongkok,
Causeway Bay and Tsimshatsui. At Admiralty, some people held up placards demanding
'CY Leung to have Direct Dialogue [with protesters] and Real Suffrage'.
(CY is the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Government.)
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2014
2 October 2014

We Want Real Suffrage and CY Step Down
Thousands of Hong Kong citizens continue to peacefully occupy Mongkok, the busiest district
in the world according to Guinness World Records, sharing their aspiration about the future
of Hong Kong. A huge banner reads: 'Peacful Rally, CY Leung Step Down, We Want Real Suffrage'.
(CY is the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Government.)
Ten of Thousands of Hong Kong citizens initiate their own 'occupy' movement in different
districts all over Hong Kong after they are blocked by the police from reaching Occupy
Central, the civil disobedience movement to pressure Beijing into granting genuine
democratic reforms, at government headquarters at Admiralty.
Large scale 'occupy' movement have also been initiated by the citizens in Admiralty,
Causeway Bay and on a smaller scale in many districts such as Wanchai. Riot police
had not been seen on the street today.
Mongkok · Hong Kong | 2014
1 October 2014
Feb 2014
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