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  Peace Movement

  eyewitness: Oaxaca
  Grassroots Rebellion in Mexico: Multimedia presentation reporting on a human rights trip to
  a region on the edge of revolution.

  eyewitness Reporter

  Peggy Law
  Witness for Peace Delegation, Oaxaca, December 2006
  Founding Director, National Media Project

  Tuesday, January 9, 2007 @ 07:30 PM PST - 08:30PM
  Fellowship Hall, First Baptist Church, 305 N California (at Bryant), Palo Alto, CA
The people of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico are in open rebellion. On one side of the dispute is the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO), which seeks the resignation of Oaxaca's governor. On the other are the armed sympathizers of that governor, Ulisis Ruiz, a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (the PRI), which ruled Mexico for more than seventy years and which still controls Oaxaca.

The trouble started in May, when a teachers' union went on strike to demand better pay, benefits and working conditions. A few weeks later, Ruiz sent state police into the central square to forcibly remove thousands of educators camping there. That led to the creation of APPO, a loose coalition of leftist groups, including many of the striking teachers, who made Ruiz's immediate resignation their chief demand.

By August, the city was under siege. APPO set up barricades around the city, set fire to passenger buses, seized government buildings, and took over several radio and TV stations. Armed gangs, said to be working at Ruiz's behest, responded with beatings and sometimes lethal gunfire.

Sponsored by Peninsula Peace and Justice Center.

Peggy Law gives eyewitness accounts of open rebellion in Oaxaca, Mexico

Attentive audience

Adelaide Nye of Redwood City is totally engrossed

Peggy explains the impact of Globalization on the local Mexican economy

Multimedia presentation on Oaxaca by Peggy


The Organizers - Paul George, Executive Director and Steffy Reader, President of PPJC

PPJC Store managed by Julia, Assistant Director

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