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  Tung Ping Chau · Hong Kong Geopark
Ping Chau, or Tung Ping Chau to differentiate from Peng Chau, sits in Mirs Bay of the northeastern waters. It is the easternmost outlying island of Hong Kong. This crescent-shaped island, measuring 600 metres long and 200 metres wide, is renowned for strange rock formations. Unlike most other rock types across the territory, the island is made up of sedimentary rock including siltstone, dolomitic siltstone, mudstone and chert.

This sedimentary rock strata is known as Ping Chau Formation.

Ping Chau is accessed by ferry from Ma Liu Shui pier near the Chinese University in the New Territories (about 15 minutes on foot from University MTR station - Exit B). Return fare in HK$90.

Tung Ping Chau Marine Park
The easternmost outlying island of Hong Kong is part of the Hong Kong Geopark.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Interesting Rock Formations
A lone visitor surveys the strange rock formation along the coast.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Lung Lok Shui
Dragon Descending to the Sea - a chert bed (a form of microcrystallite quartz. It is a tough rock that can be broken to form very sharp edges) on the south-eastern coast.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Kang Lau Shek
Protected by the huge hard rock blocks on its top, Kang Lau Shek on the eastern coast eroded more slowly than the surrounding rocks.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Sand Pattern
Interesting sand pattern created by wave actions.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Unusual and interesting texture.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Art by Nature
Work of art is etched as the rocks are washed by the waves.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Layers of thin lamina less than 0.1 cm thick. Lamination is extremely fine with visible alternation of siltstone or mudstone sediments and chemical sediments.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Visitors are greeted by caterpillars hanging in the air.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Colorful Butterfly
Many species of butterflies can be seen on the island.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Marine animals are common.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Excellent backdrops for cosplayers.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

Fabulous views along the way in the late afternoon.

Mirs Bay · Hong Kong | 2012

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