
Orange and Blue
Nagar Kirtan is a Sikh custom involving the processional singing of holy hymns throughout a community.
While practiced at any time, it is customary in the month of Visakhi (or Vaisakhi).
Traditionally, the procession is led by the saffron-robed Panj Piare (the five beloved
of the Guru), who are followed by the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy Sikh scripture, which
is placed on a float. Commonly, members of the procession are unshod in deference to the
scripture so displayed. Likewise, many cover their heads and don the colour saffron or
orange. The road before the procession is cleared by Sewadars. Bystanders bow their heads
to the scripture. The procession concludes at the Gurudwara with Ardas (pray).

Looking Back




Manpreet Prays

Manpreet in Action

The Photographer in Action
(Courtesy of Manpreet Singh)
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