
No Trust
63 year-old Tong Lin-lai held up a poster that questions the integrity of Hong Kong Chief Executive, C Y Leung, and asked whether we can trust him.
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Tens of thousands in Hong Kong voted with their feet to demand that C Y Leung, their Chief Executive who
had been embroiled in an illegal construction scandal since taking office last July, to step down. The organizer
said 130,000 marched peacefully. Police counted 17,000 leaving Victoria Park, the starting point.

130,000 rallied to demand Hong Kong Chief Executive, C Y Leung, to step down.

People from all walks of life, from youth to elders and including handicapped in wheelchairs, marched in the rally to demand that C Y Leung, Hong Kong Chief Executive, to step down.

A protester dressed as a wolf in the Chinese Peoples' Liberation Army uniform to mock the Hong Kong Chief Executive, C Y Leung.

Protesters with posters that read "You Lies", "You Cheats", "CY - Step Down on New Year Day", and a cartoon of CY with an elongated nose, ala Pinocchio.

Even Kids are unhappy with C Y Leung, Hong Kong Chief Executive.

Hundreds of the Hong Kong Autonomy Movement, brandished the former colonial flags but stressed that they are not after independence.

Rest in Peace
A photo of C Y Leung, Hong Kong Chief Executive, was placed like a funeral altar with signs saying he sold out Hong Kong to the communists.

Hundred of police were deployed to maintain order during the peaceful rally.

Legislative councillors Ferdinand Cheung, Cyd Ho and Lee Cheuk-yan of Labour Party and all pan-democrats demanded that C Y Leung, Hong Kong Chief Executive, to step down.
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