
Seeking Justice
Members of the International Migrants Alliance expressed their desire to seek justice
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Hundreds of demonstrators from a broad spectrum of the community gathered at Victoria
Park in Hong Kong this afternoon to protest against Israel's blockade and raid of Gaza.
They marched across town to the Israeli Consulate at Admiralty to voice their demand for peace.

Hundreds joined the protest march for peace in Gaza

End Gaza Blockade
Demanding an end to the Gaza blockade

Muslim women offered their solidarity

Free Gaza
Dreaming of a free Gaza

Long Hair Supports
Legislative Councillor 'Long Hair' Leung Kwok Hung Supports

Amnesty Endorses
Clara Fok leads the Amnesty International contigent
Amongst the marchers are Legislative Councillor "Long Hair" Leung Kwok Hung and Clara Fok of
Amnesty International and its contingent.
Earlier this week, Israeli commandos stormed a convoy of Gaza-bound aid ships and 10
international activists were killed.
Amnesty International's interim Secretary General called for an international inquiry
into the deaths caused by the raid on the aid flotilla in international waters outside
Gaza on Monday.
For nearly three years, Israel, which is the occupying power in the Gaza Strip, has implemented
a policy of banning all movement of goods and people, except for the most basic humanitarian
necessities, which are imported by international aid agencies. Only a fraction of patients in
need of treatment outside Gaza are allowed out, and dozens have died waiting for Israeli
permission to travel.
"The blockade does not target armed groups but rather punishes Gaza's entire population by
restricting the entry of food, medical supplies, educational equipment and building materials,"
said Clara Fok of Amnesty International.
"Unsurprisingly, its impact falls most heavily on those most vulnerable among Gaza's 1.5
million people: children, the elderly and the sick. The blockade constitutes collective
punishment under international law and must be lifted immediately."
Israel has a duty under international law to ensure the welfare of Gaza's inhabitants,
including their rights to health, education, food and adequate housing.

Israel = Death?
Questioning what Israel represents

Face Off
Iranian Ali Babar (27) faces off massive police presence

A monk expressed his desire for peace in 7 languages
The rally was organized by the Hong Kong Unison, Asian Students Association, Chinese Muslim
Cultural & Fraternal Association and a host of other Islamic and Muslim organizations.
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