Thousands Applaud Dalai Lama and His Message of Peace San Francisco - April 29, 2007
"Transform adversity into opportuniy", Tibetan leader-in-exile the Dalai Lama in his signature yellow and maroon-colored flowing robe,
shared with the capacity-crowd on "Creating Postive Change" at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco.

Pursuing His Holiness
Lama Tashi from Chamdo, Tibet, a devout follower of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, came to Bill Graham Civic Auditorium to listen to his Master.
About 10,000 tickets for the weekend, two days of Buddhist-teachings followed by Sunday's public talk, were almost gone in a few days.
A small quantity of last-minute tickets available at the door were snatched up quickly.
I met Lama Ochir, Lama Dorje and Lama Tim outside the auditorium. They flew in from Ulan Bator, Mongolia, directly just to meet His Holiness.
Thus is the draw of the Dalai Lama, who is treated like a rock star everywhere he went.
All attendees were screened upon entering the auditorium. No camera, video camera or voice recording device is allowed inside.
Just before the talk started, a young man thrown an apple towards the stage mumbling some obsenities. He was quickly escorted out. The Dalai Lama
was unruffled and said that he was so sorry for the youth to have been thrown out.
The Nobel laureate is very casual, warm, compassionate and witty. His talk was full of humor that resulted in constant roaring laughter
from the audience. He spoke about compassion, affection, tolerence, self-discipline, peace through inner peace and deep respect for all religions.
A good summary of his talk can be found in this blog
"Wherever you are happy, that's your home. Whoever is kind to you, that's your parent." Dalai Lama concluded his talk with this Tibetan saying.
Please note that images displayed on the Internet are of low resolution and cannot
do justice to the quality of a professionally printed high resolution photograph. Go see the
actual prints in all their glory.
To order photos, please email us at info@phyang.org

Follower from Lhasa
Tatopani Neema from Lhasa, Tibet, would not miss the opportunity to hear from His Holiness.

Lining Up
Thousands of people came for the opportunity to listen to the wisdom of Dalai Lama.

Last Minute Tickets
A small quanitity of last minute tickets were available for the sold-out event.

Security Screening
All attendees were screened upon entering the auditorium. No camera, videocam or voice recording device is allowed inside.

Visitors from Ulan Bator, Mongolia
Lama Ochir and Lama Dorje came all the way from Ulan Bator, Mongolia to meet Dalai Lama.

Shades for the Rays
Lama Tim, also from Ulan Bator, sported his shades for the strong Californian sun.

Wheel of Dharma
The Wheel of Dharma, an auspicious symbol representing a dharma (law) in Hinduism and the
Buddha's teaching of the path to enlightenment.

Prayer Flags
Traditional Tibetan prayer flags, inscribed with auspicious symbols, invocations, prayers, and mantras, adorned the Auditorium.

Educating the Next Generation
This is a golden opportunity to educate the next generation of Tibetan diaspora.
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