
China today is in the midst of sweeping changes. The economy is
roaring ahead. Millions of rural families are uprooting themselves in search of
better lives in the city. Traditional ways of living, working, and playing are
transforming. This image of China often gives an impression of instability,
confusion, extreme inequality, and despair, but in fact, every country that has
developed—including the United States—has undergone a similar process.
China in Transition introduces students to modern China as a case study of
economic development. What are the characteristics of the development process,
and why does it occur? How is development experienced by the people who live
through it, and how are their lives impacted? How do traditional cultural
values—such as China’s emphasis on education—contribute to and/or evolve as a
result of modernization? Students examine these questions and others as they
investigate the roles that migration, urbanization, wealth, poverty, and
education play in a country in transition.
Sample of Images Licensed to SPICE
(the cover image is an amalgamation of the first 2 images):
The following images are a sample of images that have been selected
and licensed by Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE),
for their publications.

Shanghai Skyline
Viewed from World Financial Center
Pudong · Shanghai · China | 2009

Dirtiest Work
40 year-old Migrant Liang Chengsou from Sichuan Works Underground
Beijing · China | 2008

After 3 years in Shahe, 14 year-old Liang Yang and her 8 year-old sister Xiu from Sichuan,
yearn to visit the Forbidden City in Beijing, an hour but a world away.
Shahe (outside Beijing) · China | 2007

Homework Time
13 year-old deaf-mute students Chang Jingjing and Huo Xun do their homework using folding chairs as
makeshift tables outside their Spartan home.
Shahe (outside Beijing) · China | 2007

The run-down environment of the slums for migrant workers outside Beijing. The appliances are
recovered from garbage dumps for parts recycling.
Shahe (outside Beijing) · China | 2007
All images are available for licensing at very affordable rates. Please contact info@phyang.org
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