
Over 900 Rode for Climate Change
(Sign reads "Ride for Climate")
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Over 900 rode their bikes through the busy city streets to promote Car-free Day on
September 22.
The bikeride started at 9 in the morning from Statute Square at Chater Road in Central.
A police escort was provided with a single lane cordoned-off for the cyclists making a round
trip of 12 km from Central to North Point.
"The number of participants this year increased by 8 times from last year, reflecting the
increasing public concern about carbon emissions and climate change," said Greenpeace, the
organizer, "Government should assist in promoting low carbon living. Our Chief Executive,
Donald Tsang, should refrain from taking the car for the 300 metres commute between the
Government House and the Government Secretariat."
Audrey Eu, Civic Party Head and legislative Councillor, suggested the construction of bicycle
tracks between Central and Wan Chai waterfront.
As at September 18, 201 companies and organizations, plus over 6500 citizens have pledged to
support Car-free Day on September 22.

Audrey Eu Officiates the Bikeride

Bikes Left for Photo Opportunity

Albert Lai of Civic Party
(Sign reads "Ride for Climate")

Bikeride Starts in Central

Lewis Wong Rides Pass Sogo, a Japanese Dept Store, in Causeway Bay

Share the Road

Cutting Thru Heavy Traffic

Senior Pitches In

Hidy Prepares for the Car-free Day on Sep 22
(Sign reads "Car-free Day 9.22")
(This photo essay is on .
Click for details)
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