
Reflection of Current Political Reality 反映當前政治現實?
Kung and Bobo state their own positions, Yip prays for a solution while Long Hair resigns
孔令瑜與葉寶琳:各自表述 | 葉蔭聰:天祐我城 | 長毛:無可奈何
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Over 1,000 assembled outside the Legislative Council building in Central to voice their strong
displeasure over government's proposal for political reform in Hong Kong.
Inside, Hong Kong Chief Executive, Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, and Audrey Eu Yuet-mee, Leader of
the Civil Party, crossed swords in a landmark televised debate.
A poll taken afterwards suggesting the contest had hardened public opposition to the government's
political reform proposals.
In an instant University of Hong Kong poll of about 500 people who watched the debate, 45 percent
said they were now "more opposed" to the government's reform proposals, while 20 per cent said
the debate had made them "more supportive".
When asked who they considered had given the best performance, 71 per cent opted for Eu and
15 per cent picked Tsang. Fifty-two per cent said they opposed the proposed electoral arrangements
to pick the chief executive in 2012, and 48 per cent opposed arrangements for Legco.

Rally Outside Legislative Council 立法會外集會

Donald Tsang Unconvincing 曾蔭權未能說服

Audrey Eu Listens 余若薇聆聽

Long Hair Reflects 長毛沉思

Post 80's Generation 八十後青年陳景輝與蔡芷筠

Vuvu 魔鬼喇叭

All Wrong 超錯

Hong Kong Governed by Its Own 港人治港、高度自治


Post 90's Supports 九十後青年支持

Activist Chu Hoi Dick 朱凱迪

Alan Leong 梁家傑

Centre of Attention 焦點

Police Videotaping 警察攝錄

We Want Universal Suffrage 我們要普選
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